STM32F4 Timer Internal Trigger Connection】的更多相关文章

The Timers can be cascaded to make more complex timing relationships, or longer periods. Internally only some timers can trigger others. This is a Master/Slave relationship and is handled by the SMS register. For example, you can see below that TIM8…
Apache 2.x keeps child processes alive by creating internal connections which appear in the log files as "internal dummy connection" on the IP address ::1 or If you ever monitor Apache log files you'll see a lot of these in the log fi…
最近查看服务器中apache日志,发现有大量的 OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "Apache (internal dummy connection) 日志,百度了下才知道是apache在管理子进程时,对自身进程的监听所产生的access log日志,为了查看日志方便,所以我们需要把这个无用的日志给屏蔽掉,屏蔽这个对系统没有任何影响. SetEnvIf User-Agent "(internal dummy connection…
Timers TIM1 and TIM8 use 16-bit counters and are the most complex timers of all timers included in the microcontroller. Timers TIM2 and TIM5 are 32-bit versions of TIM1/TIM8, but have less hardware included and therefore less options. Timers TIM3 and…
Timer 比較模式(compare) 具體會用在哪種狀況目前還沒有這種經驗,但Compare有配置功能pin想必有應用會用到這個模式 從Function Block來看比較模式比基本Timer多了比較這一個流程去控制Output狀態 Timer 具體配置如下 : TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM3_TimeBase; TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM3_OC; TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_ClockDivision = ; TIM3_TimeBase.T…
Timer (計時器) 就是慢慢數時間,在timer內部有一個計數器. 而計數器會數到Register的value當數值數到設定值Timer就會發起IRQ 而程式就會轉跳到中斷向量裡頭去執行想要做的事情. Timer 計時器配置 TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM3_TimeBase; TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_ClockDivision = ; TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM3_Tim…
#define CLK_FREQ ( 10000 ) #define CORE_FREQ ( 168000000 ) static void TIM_GPIO_Config( void ) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; // Enable GPIOA clock __HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE( ); // Configure PA8 pin as CLK output -- to CK Input GPIO_InitStru…
STM32 System and Timer Clock Configurations I've started writing some software to drive a series of TLC5940 16 Channel LED Driver chips on an ST STM32F407 Microcontroller. I previously had code working on an Atmel microcontroller, but obviously with…
Timers get their clock source from External pins or Internal timer sources. External External = pins: TI1 or TI2 or ETR set pin to be used: in TIMx_CCMR1 reg - set pin to be used by writing CCxS bits select polarity of input in TIMx_CCER reg - write…
1. 高级复制和流复制介绍 1.1 高级复制(Advanced Replication) 高级复制也称为对称复制,分为多主体站点复制(Multiple Master Rplication).物化视图站点复制(Materialized View Replication)和前两种的混合复制.高级复制主要是用在对称的.等同的数据库(仅限Oracle数据库之间)表之间的(单向或双向)的复制,以满足分布式应用的需求.多主体站点复制基于Oracle的触发器(Trigger)捕获DML和DDL操作,并将这些操…