LPC43xx SGPIO Experimentation】的更多相关文章

LPC4350 SGPIO Experimentation The NXP LPC43xx microcontrollers have an interesting, programmable serial peripheral called the SGPIO (Serial GPIO). It consists of a slew of counters and shift registers that can be configured to serialize and deseriali…
LPC43xx SGPIO Configuration The LPC43xx SGPIO peripheral is used to move samples between USB and the ADC/DAC chip (MAX5864). The SGPIO is a peripheral that has a bunch of 32-bit shift registers. These shift registers can be configured to act as a par…
The SGPIO output pins SGPIO14 and SGPIO15 can trigger a GPDMA request SGPIO pins SGPIO14 and SGPIO15 can trigger a GPDMA request. < Output = '1' > To generate the request, program a pulse in the bit stream of slice 14 or 15. For example, use a patte…
I²C SGPIO Configuration SGPIO is a hardware feature of LPC4300 series. There are 16 SGPIO pins called from SGPIO 0 to SGPIO 15. SGPIO is one of the functions of LPC 4300 pins which can be chosen. SGPIO could work as standard GPIO pins, or do stream p…
SGPIO inverted clock qualifier Hi, With bits 6:5 of SGPIO_MUX_CFG the QUALIFIER_MODE is selected (0x0=enable, 0x1=disable, 0x2=slice, 0x3=pin).With bit 8 (INV_QUALIFIER) of SLICE_MUX_CFG one can invert the qualifier (0x0=normal qualifier, 0x1=inverte…
AN11196: Camera interface design using SGPIO…
模式匹配 所有位串均具有模式匹配功能. 该功能可用于检测启动代码等.要使用该功能,则必须用需匹配的模式来对REG_SS 编程 (请注意, POS 达到零时 REG_SS 不会与 REG  交换!) MATCH_MODE 位必须设为1. 输入数据 REG 现在与已编程的模式 REG_SS 相比较.发现匹配时会提出模式匹配中断. Bit MATCH_MODE selects whether the match filter is active or whether data is captured.…
Test access port (TAP) JTAG defines a TAP (Test access port). The TAP is a general-purpose port that can provide access to many test support functions built into a component. It is composed as a minimum of the three input connections (TDI, TCK, TMS)…
Q LPC43xx和LPC18xx有相同的USB接口以及片内USB驱动吗?A 是的. Q LPC4300和LPC1800只是内核不同吗?外设和管脚配置都完全一致?A 为LPC18xx的映像可以直接在LPC43xx(尾号一致)上运行,但是LPC4300的片上RAM比LPC1800多64KB,并且LPC1800系列没有SGPIO,而LPC4300有 Q SGPIO是什么?和普通的GPIO有什么不同?A SGPIO是串行GPIO的简称,只要设置好参数就可以根据时钟基准自动按照预设的时序要求,在合适的时…