文章名称:OpenState: Programming Platform-independent Stateful OpenFlow Applications Inside the Switch OpenState:在交换机内部实现编程平台无关的带状态OpenFlow应用程序 发表时间:2018 期刊来源:ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review ABSTRACT (摘要) 软件定义网络设想由中央控制器管理dumb的廉价交换机.事实上,在交换机上添加某种…
Java 序列化接口Serializable详解 - 火星猿类 - 博客园 http://www.cnblogs.com/tomtiantao/p/6866083.html 深入理解JAVA序列化 - 简单爱_wxg - 博客园 https://www.cnblogs.com/wxgblogs/p/5849951.html 一个对象序列化的接口,一个类只有实现了Serializable搜索接口,它的对象才是可序列化的.因此如果要序列化某些类的对象,这些类就必须实现Serializable接口.而…
转自:https://medium.com/@joshua_robinson/stateful-kubernetes-applications-made-easier-pso-and-flashblade-aa3e2ebb0248 For stateful applications on Kubernetes, Pure Storage Orchestrator automates and productionizes those services with FlashBlade as shar…
When we start to accumulate functions that all work on a given datatype, we end up creating a bunch of boilerplate code in almost every function to handle the changes we need to make to our records’ values. This can lead to not only undesirable boile…
When building our stateful computations, there will come a time when we’ll need to combine two or more state transactions at the same time to come up with a new result. Usually this occurs when want to use plain ol’ JavaScript functions with two or m…
We explore a means to represent the combination of our stateful computations using familiar composition. We dive into what makes this possible by talking about what are known as Kleisli Arrows and explore some interesting properties surrounding them.…
The true power of the State ADT really shows when we start combining our discrete, stateful transactions. We start looking at another construction helper named of, used to lift any given value of any type into the resultant. We also explore another i…
openstate基本思想就是控制器下放一部分功能,交换机不再是简单的dumb,而是保留一些简单的wise. 论文中以端口锁定为例,提出了米粒型状态机在交换机内部的应用从而可以大大减少交换机和控制器之间的交互,减缓了控制器的性能瓶颈. 传统SDN架构,对一些安全应用如端口锁定,只有一定顺序的端口请求才会开放目标端口,如请求22端口进行数据传输,但设置的端口请求列表是[10,12,13,14,22],就是说只有在之前目标主机依次收到这些端口请求后才会开放22号端口.这个策略如果需要由控制器来完成,…
SIP Proxies SBO SIP Proxy Bypass All types of Internet Firewall JAIN-SIP Proxy Mini-SIP-Proxy A very tiny perl POE based SIP proxy MjServer cross-platform SIP proxy/registrar/redirect, written in java, based on MjSip stack MySIPSwitch SIP Proxy serve…
BACKGROUND 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to a programming model for a heterogeneous processor system. 2. Background Art With the success of programming models such as OpenCL and CUDA, heterogeneous computing platfo…
List of OpenFlow Software Projects (that I know of) http://yuba.stanford.edu/~casado/of-sw.html (I am trying to keep a running list of all OpenFlow-related software projects where either the bits or the source are available online. If you know of one…
一 文章名称:FLOWGUARD: Building Robust Firewalls for Software-Defined Networks 发表时间:2014 期刊来源:--- 解决问题: 一 为了解决基于OpenFlow的SDN网络带来的安全问题. 二 建立SDN防火墙的挑战如下 检测动态的网络策略更新. 检查间接地安全违规:敌手通过修改数据包头侵害网络安全. 架构选项:集中和分布式SDN防火墙都有各自问题. 带状态监控:SDN防火墙很难支持带状态数据包检测 所做贡献: 一 提出FLO…
The Go Programming Language Specification go语言规范 Version of May 9, 2018 Introduction 介绍 Notation 符号 Source code representation 源代码表示形式 Characters 字符 Letters and digits 字母和数字 Lexical elements 词法元素 Comments 评论 Tokens 令 牌 Semicolons 分号 Identifiers 标识符 K…
http://www.h3c.com/cn/d_201811/1131080_30005_0.htm# 1 OpenFlow背景 转发和控制分离是SDN网络的本质特点之一 .在SDN网络架构中,控制平面与转发平面分离,网络的管理和状态在逻辑上集中到一起,底层的网络基础从应用中独立出来,由此,网络获得前所未有的可编程.可控制和自动化能力.这使用户可以很容易根据业务需求,建立高度可扩展的弹性网络.要实现SDN网络的转控分离架构,就需要在SDN控制器与数据转发层之间建立一个通信接口标准. 2008年,…
Software-Defined Networking Network intelligence is (logically) centralized in software-based SDN controllers network operators and administrators can programmatically configure this simplified network abstraction rather than having to hand-code tens…
1 OpenFlow简介 OpenFlow是由斯坦福大学的Nick McKeown教授在2008年4月ACM Communications Review上发表的一篇论文OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks首先详细论述了OpenFlow的原理.由该论文课题可知OpenFlow提出的最初出发点是用于校园内网络研究人员实验其创新网络架构.协议,考虑到实际的网络创新思想需要在实际网络上才能更好地验证,而研究人员又无法修改在网的网络设备,故而提出…
Indexes and search engines These sites provide indexes and search engines for Go packages: godoc.org gowalker gosearch Sourcegraph Contributing To edit this page you must be a contributor to the go-wiki project. To get contributor access, send mail t…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
转自:http://developer.51cto.com/art/201507/483510.htm 很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的语言.Python可以用来开发各种小工具软件.web应用.科学计算.数据分析等等,Python拥有大量的流行框架,比如Django.使用Python框架时,可以根据自己的需求插入不同的模块,比如可以用S…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…
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Google C++ Style Guide   Table of Contents Header Files Self-contained Headers The #define Guard Forward Declarations Inline Functions Names and Order of Includes Scoping Namespaces Unnamed Namespaces and Static Variables Nonmember, Static Member, an…
cncf landscape CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape 1. App Definition and Development 1. Database Vitess:itess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. Apache CarbonData:Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar data format…
很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的语言.Python可以用来开发各种小工具软件.web应用.科学计算.数据分析等等,Python拥有大量的流行框架,比如Django.使用Python框架时,可以根据自己的需求插入不同的模块,比如可以用Scrapy来实现网络爬虫,可以用SciPy来进行科学计算. Python很多模块框架都拥有来自社区良好的…
COMST 2018 主要内容 这是一篇有关快速包转发的综述,先介绍了包转发的有关基础知识和背景,具体介绍了包转发的主流方法,对这些方法进行了细致详尽的比较,最后介绍了最新的方法和未来的研究方向. 包处理包括Fast Path 和Slow Path,前者用于包转发和包头处理,后者主要用于管理.错误控制.维护. 主要的方法有三种:纯软件.纯硬件.软硬结合. 纯软件方法主要在软件层面(零拷贝.批处理.并行性.用户/内核空间)进行性能优化,性能不足的主要是因为网络协议栈架构的不足. 纯硬件方法性能高但…
有少量修改,请访问原始链接.PythonWIn的exe安装包;http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ 原文链接:codecloud.net/python-resource-2109.html 现代编程语言的一个非常令人欣慰的事是有很多的社区在驱动语言的发展. 很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的…
CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape 1. App Definition and Development 1. Database Vitess:itess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. Apache CarbonData:Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar data format for fast analyt…
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Awesome系列的Java资源整理.awesome-java 就是akullpp发起维护的Java资源列表,内容包括:构建工具.数据库.框架.模板.安全.代码分析.日志.第三方库.书籍.Java 站点等等. 经典的工具与库 (Ancients) In existence since the beginning of time and which will continue being used long after the hype has waned. Apache Ant - Build…