[AngularJS] angular-schema-form -- 1】的更多相关文章

这篇文章讲了angular reactive form, 这里是angular file upload 组件 https://malcoded.com/posts/angular-file-upload-component-with-express/ 原文:https://malcoded.com/posts/angular-fundamentals-reactive-forms/ ------------------------------------ Forms are arguably o…
AngularJS 1.3 add $submitted for form, so you can use  $submitted  to track whether the submit event is trggered. Read More: https://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-new-in-angular-1-3-updates-to-forms <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <scrip…
先上效果页面:https://lpdong.github.io/myForm-1/ 其中几个知识点 1.angularJs提供了几个新的type类型: type="password" type="email" type="number" type="url" 2.几个参数含义 ng-required //是否必填,true/false ng-minlength //最小长度,数字 ng-maxlength //最大长度,数字…
Note: Can use $dirty to check whether user has intracted with the form: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/type/form.FormController Read More: http://www.yearofmoo.com/2014/05/how-to-use-ngmessages-in-angularjs.html https://egghead.io/lessons/angularj…
getterSetter:  boolean value which determines whether or not to treat functions bound to ngModel as getters/setters to have greater control over your model. allowInvalid: boolean value which indicateds that the model can be set with values that did n…
<!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="app"> <head lang="en" > <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"…
First time dealing with Reactive form might be a little bit hard to understand. I have used Angular-formly for AngularJS bofore, what it does is using Javascript to define form's template, data and validations.  In HTML, it is just a simple directive…
写在前面 最近在项目中遇到这样的一个前端的bug,在ng-repeat中绑定的图片,有一个晃动的特效,在手机端浏览的时候,图片有时候会正常展示,有时就展示不出来.当时猜测是因为angularjs与特效的那些代码加载的先后顺序造成的.有了这样的猜测,就有查找解决方案的方向了. 系列文章 [Angularjs]ng-select和ng-options [Angularjs]ng-show和ng-hide [Angularjs]视图和路由(一) [Angularjs]视图和路由(二) [Angular…
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .my-form{ transition: all linear 0.5s; background: transparent; } .my-form.ng-invalid{ background-co…
Forms in Angular 2 are essentially wrappers around inputs that group the input values together into an object and also check that all the inputs are valid. Angular 2 ‘sngForm allows you to get a reference to that object and validity and use them to d…