要求每天阅读一篇技术文档,不需要记下来,只是能看懂就好..后发现,这就是专业英语的课程资料. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the most basic level, a signal amplifier does exactly what you expect – it makes…
排版有点乱.... ========================================================================= Operational Amplifiers (OAs) are highly stable, high gain dc difference amplifiers. Sincethere is no capacitive coupling between their various amplifying stages, they…
CMOS logic is a newer technology, based on the use of complementary MOS transistors toperform logic functions with almost no current required. [1] This makes these gates very useful inbattery-powered applications. The fact that they will work with su…
一般运放的datasheet中会列出众多的运放参数,有些易于理解,我们常关注,有些可能会被忽略了.在接下来的一些主题里,将对每一个参数进行详细的说明和分析.力求在原理和对应用的影响上把运放参数阐述清楚.由于本人的水平有限,写的博文中难免有些疏漏,希望大家批评指正. 第一节要说明的是运放的输入偏置电流Ib和输入失调电流Ios .众说周知,理想运放是没有输入偏置电流Ib和输入失调电流Ios .的.但每一颗实际运放都会有输入偏置电流Ib和输入失调电流Ios .我们可以用下图中的模型来说明它们的定义.…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/wlsfling/article/details/5876016 http://www.cnblogs.com/gaozehua/archive/2012/05/03/2479960.html http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-26084833-id-3416600.html OUTLINE: * AAC概述 * AAC规格简述 * AAC特点 * AAC音频文件解析 ——ADIF&ADTS格式 ——ADIF&ADT…
Text I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France. I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he got into the car, I said good m…
Text I arrived London at last. The railway station was big, black and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, counld not understand me. I r…
Driver Amplifiers For Analog-To-Digital Converters What amplifiers are used to drive analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)? Possibilities include single-ended and differential inputs and outputs, plus voltage feedback (VFB) or current feedback (CFB) in…
课上内容(Lesson) Where is Loki a student?  Loki is in Meten, BaobaoStreet, Chengdu. What is he studying?   He studies English. What classes is he taking?  He taking likes Information Tachnology What is he preparing for?   He is preparing for V1 to V2 lev…
半个月时间,听完了ESLPod出品的<Using English at Work>,笔记和自己听的时候的备注列在下面.准备把每个语音里的快速阅读部分截取出来,放在手机里反复听. 下一阶段把ESLPod的几个教程全部听完吧. Lesson 1 Arriving at Work 2016.08.29,第1次复习; 2016.09.01,第2次复习 Word: TGIF: thanks God it’s Friday Am looking forward to Parking Structure P…
依我看,在我看来 I suppose that, ... As far as i'm concerned, ... As i see it, ... It seems to me that ... 1.In my opinion, ... 2.In my view, ... 4.I maintain that, ... 7.From where I stand, ... 8. 9.From my point of view, ... 10.It's my feeling that ... we…
you can find it on YouTube:Learning English with EnglishClass101.com 10 Habits of highly Effective Learners 1. Set small, measurable goals with deadlines small goals: learn 100 words in a month! complete 30 audio lessons in a month (Deadline:Nov 30)…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about foot and drink for a healthy diet. 课上内容(Lesson) What do you do to stay healthy? meeting Lamb , I knew correct time I'm terrible. Because I'm missed class for 2:00.I forgot the right time/the correct time.Af…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about languages. 课上内容(Lesson) mother tongue: Chinese official language:  Chinese mandarin Sichuan Dialect Accent Asia  亚洲 亚洲(字源古希腊语:Ασία:拉丁语:Asia),曾译作“亚细亚洲”和“亚西亚洲”,是七大洲中面积最大,人口最多的一个洲.其覆盖地球总面积的8.7%(或占总陆地面积的29.4%).…
课上内容(Lesson) 词汇(Key Word ) art  美术:艺术 business  商科 engineering  工程学 graphic design  平面造型学 history  历史 information teachnology  (IT) law 法律 math 数学 nursing  护理 science 理科 tourism 旅游学 hospitality 服务业:酒店业 projector  n. [仪] 投影仪:放映机:探照灯:设计者 globe  地球仪 pri…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UISiuiPd_FY will 说话的当下决定的将来要做什么,in the moment be going to 有意图去做,但没有计划 present continuous 现在进行时是有明确的计划.   This English lesson explains the difference between WILL, BE GOING TO, and the PRESENT CONTINUOUS when talking ab…
课上内容(Lesson) 词汇(Key Word ) Introduce  vt. 介绍:引进:提出:采用 greet  [ɡrit]  vt. 欢迎,迎接:致敬,致意:映入眼帘  n. (Greet)人名:(英)格里特       # 很相似词  great    [greɪt]  vt. 欢迎,迎接:致敬,致意:映入眼帘 :打招呼 Personal Information  个人信息 Shake hands  [,ʃeik'hændz]  握手 句型(Sentences) Her/His n…
课上内容(Lesson) # music pop  流行音乐 light music 轻音乐 rep 说唱音乐 rack 摇滚乐 classic  古典乐 hip-hop n. 街舞,即兴音乐:嘻哈 # sport jog  慢跑 swimming  游泳 tennis  网球 football 足球(USA)    soccer(UK)  n. 英式足球,足球 baseball n. 棒球:棒球运动 basketball  篮球 ping-pong  乒乓 bicycling  骑车 词汇(K…
In this lesson you will learn to describe what you see. 课上内容(Lesson) # How's the weather today? 今天的天气怎么样? It's Sunny Day What kind of weather do you like? 你喜欢什么样子的天气? I like rain.Because I like listening to raining very much at stay in # 想一个地方,告诉哪里的人…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about countries and languages.  本节课你将学习到关于谈论城市和语言 课上内容(Lesson) Spring Festival  春节(中国农历正月初一) Lantern Festival  元宵节,灯节 watch firework show  看烟火表演 developing   发展中 developed   发达 idiom   n. 成语,习语:土话 slang   n. 俚语:行…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about workplaces. 课上内容(Lesson) My English Teacher name is Russell. He has five people in his family. There are two daughters , young sister is 27,old sister is 29. ex-wife and 9 month baby and he. He come from Af…
In this lesson you will learn to say your phone number and address.  这节课讲学习说你的手机号码和地址. 课上内容(Lesson) # 询问三个关于tutor的问题 How many class do you today?  你今天有多少课? How did you go to Meten?你是怎么去的美联? What do you usually have for dinner ? 你经常吃晚餐吃什么食物? What did…
In this lesson you will learn how to give reasons for something you've done. 课上内容(Lesson) Why do people...?  人们为什么...? play sports     Because people need health  人们需要健康 get married     Because people have a family    人们想拥有一个家庭 study English  Because…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about jobs. 课上内容(Lesson) What's your partner name? Her name is Jenny How long have you studied English in Meten? How long have you been studying English in Meten? I study English 2 month at Meten What do she do?…
In this lesson you will learn to answer simple questions about yourself.  本节课讲学到回答关于自己的一些简单问题 课上内容(Lesson) Hello -->  Hi Thank you -->  Thanks I'm fine -->  I'm OK My name is ... -->  I'm # Meeting People What's you nickname? You can call me .…
In this lesson you will learn to describe a room or place. 这节课讲学习描述一个房间或地方 课上内容(Lesson) 1. Where do you study or work? 你在哪学习/工作? Do you work at a desk?  你在办公桌前工作吗? Do you study at school?  你在学校学习吗? Do you work in your own office?  你在你自己的办公室工作吗? 2. Ta…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about what happened. 在本课中,您将学习如何谈论发生的事情. 课上内容(Lesson) # four “W” one “H” Where  在哪里 What  干什么 Who    谁 Why  为什么 How  怎么样 词汇(Key Word ) 句型(Sentences) Where were you last night at 8:00 pm? Who was with you? What we…
In this lesson you will learn to desribe abilities.  这节课你将学习到描述你的能力 课上内容(Lesson) 三种常见情态动词 can aux. 能: 能够: 可以: 可能 should   aux. 应该:就:可能:将要 must  = have to  aux. 必须,一定:可以,应当:很可能 PS: aux. = 助动词 What do you do every day?  你每天都做什么? I eat three meal every…
In this lesson you will learn to make comparisons. 课上内容(Lesson) compare   n. 比较  vt. 比拟,喻为:[语]构成  vi. 相比,匹敌:比较,区别:比拟(常与to连用)n. (Compare)人名:(意)孔帕雷 comparison   n. 比较:对照:比喻:比较关系 comparative  n. 比较级:对手    adj. 比较的:相当的 I didn't sleep well  我睡的不好 Where is…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about the past. 课上内容(Lesson) I was born in 1986. I started school at 6 years old. I comleted my school life at 2001 I started my first job in 2002 and  At 3 months after , left that work. because, I want use some…