安装python类库cryptography1.6提示 build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\_openssl.c(429): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'openssl/opensslv.h': No such file or directory好吧,安装openssl去环境WIN7,32位/64位,VS2008安装ActivePerl网址 http://www.activestate.com/acti…
from: http://www.cnblogs.com/luguo3000/p/3539815.html 在安装OpenSSL的时候通常会提示以下错误: "The Win32 OpenSSL Installation Project setup has detected that the following critical component is missing: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables Win32 OpenSSl will n…
windows下使用vs2008中的nmake编译安装openssl的脚本build.bat: echo off & color 0A :: 项目名称 set PROJECT=openssl :: 版本标签 set VESION=OpenSSL_1_0_1l :: 项目路径 set PROJECT_PATH=%cd% :: 代码存放路径 set CODE_PATH="%PROJECT_PATH%\%PROJECT%-%VESION%" ::安装路径 set OPENSSL_IN…