[抄题]: 给定二叉树,返回其节点值的垂直遍历顺序. (即逐列从上到下).如果两个节点在同一行和同一列中,则顺序应 从左到右. 给定一个二叉树 {3,9,20,#,#,15,7} 3 /\ / \ 9 20 /\ / \ 15 7 返回垂直遍历顺序:[[9],[3,15],[20],[7]] 给定一个二叉树 {3,9,20,#,#,15,7} 3 /\ / \ 9 8 /\ /\ / \/ \ 4 01 7 返回垂直遍历顺序:[[4],[9],[3,0,1],[8],[7]] [暴力解法]: 时…
Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examples:Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,nu…
Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examp…
Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examples: Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,n…
Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examples 1: Input: [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]…
102. 二叉树的层次遍历 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 题目描述 给定一个二叉树,返回其按层次遍历的节点值. (即逐层地,从左到右访问所有节点). 每日一算法2019/5/11Day 8LeetCode102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 例如: 给定二叉树: [3,9,20,null,null,15,7], 3 / \ 9 20 / \ 15 7 返回其层次遍历结果: [ [3], [9,20], [15…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-vertical-order-traversal/ 题目: Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, th…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-vertical-order-traversal/ 题目: Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, th…
Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examples:Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,nu…
Given a binary tree, return the vertical order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from top to bottom, column by column). If two nodes are in the same row and column, the order should be from left to right. Examples 1: Input: [3,9,20,null,null,15,7]…