using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class terrainTest : MonoBehaviour { ; private Terrain terr; // terrain to modify protected int hmWidth; // heightmap width protected int hmHeight; // heightmap height protected int alphaMapWidth; pr…
How to change the AlexNet into FCNs ? FCNs is a network that only contain convolution layers and no fc layer at all. It's structure can be shown as the following figures: This image from the paper : <Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmenta…
1. 3D分析 1.1. 3D Features toolset 工具 工具 描述 3D Features toolset (3D 要素工具集) Add Z Information 添加 Z 信息 添加关于具有 Z 值的要素类中的要素的高程属性的信息. Buffer 3D 3D 缓冲 围绕点或线创建三维缓冲区以生成球形或圆柱形的多面体要素. Difference 3D 3D 差异 消除目标要素类中部分与减法要素类中闭合的多面体要素体积重叠的多面体要素. Enclose Multipatch 封闭…
if(typeof Shadowbox=="undefined"){ throw"Unable to load Shadowbox, no base library adapter found."}(function(){ var version="1.0"; var options={assetURL:context+"/static/style/images/", loadingImage:"…