Transitioning from SPDY to HTTP/2 Thursday, February 11, 2016 Last year we announced our intent to end support for the experimental protocol SPDY in favor of the standardized version, HTTP/2. HTTP/2 is the next-generation protocol for transferring in…
原文地址: The best front-end hacking cheatsheets — all in one place.(最好的前端黑客秘籍) 用心记住所有API是不可能的,因此才会有秘籍的诞生. 1.Javascript ES2015 features 2.Javascript 3.Javascript Regular expr…
javascript基本数据类型:原始类型 和 引用类型 原始类型(简单数据类型):String,Number,Boolean,Undefined,Null,Symbol(ES6新增) 引用类型(复杂数据类型):Array,Object var a = 'hello world'; var b = 100; var c; var d = null; var e = { name : 'My name is Pelli.' } var f = [100,3,'hello',[4,4,67,'h…