1.查询当前日期和时间 select sysdate from dual; 2.查询本月最后一天 select last_day(sysdate) from dual; 3.查询前后多少月 ) from dual; 4.查询下一周的星期几的具体日期(周日-周六:1-7) ) from dual; 5.时间转时间 select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') from dual; 6.字符转时间 ','YYYY-MM-DD') from dual; 7…
官方文档:Date and Time Functions Name Description ADDDATE() Add time values (intervals) to a date value ADDTIME() Add time CONVERT_TZ() Convert from one timezone to another CURDATE() Return the current date CURRENT_DATE(), CURRENT_DATE Synonyms for CURDA…