Developing avb】的更多相关文章

ai automake  ai libtool  ai pkg-config autogen ai libgstreamer1.0-0  ai libgstreamer1.0-dev  ai check configure  ai libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev ai libexpat1-devmake…
D. Developing Game   Pavel is going to make a game of his dream. However, he knows that he can't make it on his own so he founded a development company and hired n workers of staff. Now he wants to pick n workers from the staff who will be directly r…
[C# WPF]MoeEroViewer Developing Log 1st - Base Document run on Https:// 1.Developing Background: To provide a clean, green and convenient environment during browsering 2.Base Functions: a. Br…
Google Developing for Android 三 - Performance最佳实践 发表于 2015-06-07   |   分类于 Android最佳实践 原文 Developing for Android, III:The Rules: Performance 在Android中,性能和内存的关系很密切,因为系统的整体内存大小会影响所有进程的性能,因为垃圾回收器会对运行期间的性能产生很大的影响.下面的重点是运行期间的性能问题而不是内存. 避免在动画和交互期间繁重的操作 正如在…
Google Developing for Android 二 - Memory 最佳实践   |   分类于 Android最佳实践 原文:Developing for Android, II The Rules: Memory 在决定应用的行为,是否有好的用户体验以及整体的设备体验来说,内存的使用可能是独立因素中最重要的.内存因素包括应用的内存占用,以及内存搅动(导致的垃圾回收会对运行期间的性能有影响). 避免在循环中分配内存 内存分配虽然不可避免,但是应尽可能的避免,特别是在平凡的调用的代…
前几天在G+上看到Google Developers站点,有一个Android系列的文章,分享到个人微博,周末闲来没事就学写了下,把它们简单的翻译了下,没想到一发不可收拾,六篇文章全部都翻译完了,有些地方省略了部分示例的描述或者换了另一种表述,如果有理解的不准确的地方,还望指正 原文:Developing for Android, I:Understanding the Mobile Context context或者这些建议为何如此重要 对于理解这些最佳实践的相关上下文是非常重要的.特别是明白…
This blog will show how you can start making a customization in AX 7 by showing you the steps needed to make a simple script Before starting customizing AX it is recommended to create your own Model The first step is to log into Visual Studio as an A…
Exploring the Spark shell Spark comes bundled with a PERL shell, which is a wrapper around the Scala shell. Though the Spark shell looks lime a command line for simple things, in reality a lot of complex queries can also be executed using it. 1. crea…
C. Developing Skills Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Petya loves computer games. Finally a game that he's been waiting for so long came out! The main character of this game has n dif…
iOS 8 概览 斯坦福公开课--Developing iOS8 Apps with Swift学习笔记 想学习Swift,但是相应的教程不是很多,在CoCoaChina社区闲逛时恰好发现了这门课程,就顺便看看,感觉不错,准备深入学习,上课怎么能没有笔记?打算写一系列笔记,记录自己的学习历程. 由于是从iTunes 中直接观看,不能外挂字幕,就靠着大学时差不多忘光了的英语猜着学,就当事练习英语了 对于老外讲的一些不重要的东西一律略过,只会记录一些板书,以及自己的理解 字幕已近在github中有这…