1. Introduction to Design Patterns (已看) 2. One Instance to Rule Them All - Singletons (已看) 3. Creating Flexibility with the Componen…
Apex allows you to build just about any custom solution on the platform. But what are the common design patterns and associated best practices for Apex development, and how can you leverage these patterns and best practices to avoid reinven…
洛谷题目链接:[USACO06DEC]牛奶模式Milk Patterns 题目描述 Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can't predict the quality of milk from one day to the next,…
1.1 Pattern "theme of recurring events or objects… it can be a template or model which can be used to generate things" ( • Design patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. • Coding patterns -…
转载自 1. Overview   Now that Java 8 has reached wide usage, patterns, and best practices have begun to emerge for some of its headlining features. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look to fu…
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每个JavaScript开发人员应该知道的33个概念 介绍 创建此存储库的目的是帮助开发人员在JavaScript中掌握他们的概念.这不是一项要求,而是未来研究的指南.它基于Stephen Curtis撰写的文章,你可以在这里阅读. 社区 随意提交PR添加链接到您自己的概述或评论.如果您想将repo翻译成您的母语,请随意这样做. 该回购的所有翻译将在下面列出: 中文 - Re Tian 葡萄牙语 - BR - Tiago Boeing 韩语 - Suin Lee 西班牙语 - Adonis Me…
Atitit 软件工程概览attilax总结 1.1. .2 软件工程的发展 进一步地,结合人类发展史和计算机世界演化史来考察软件工程的发展史. 表2 软件工程过程模型 表2将软件工程的主要过程模型做了一个简要的汇总,并将所有的软件工程模型划分为三大领域和五个阶段,三大领域分别为: 1) 惯例模型:瀑布模型,增量模型,演化过程模型和统一过程模型是其中的代表: 2) 敏捷过程模型:极限编程(XP)是其中的代表: 3) 新过程模型和研究领域:模型驱动开发和云计算是其中的代表: 而在五个关键性阶段中,…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…