# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#from ftplib import FTP __authour__='CC' import osimport telnetlibimport timeimport shutilimport socket#import pdbimport paramikofrom Tkinter import *import globimport re def get_version_path(n1,n2,n3): if(int(n2)==0 and int(n1…
使用Jython结合java和Python开发功能时,要是遇到如下情况: 2016-03-10 16:16:49 DEBUG [com.freedom.orion.configs.JyhtonConfig] python script home:/Users/fs/Desktop/pythonScript File "", line 14 Date/Time: 2016-03-10 14:42:22.493 +0800 ^ SyntaxError: no viable alternat…
打开httpd.conf,找到”#ScriptInterpreterSource Registry “,移除前面的注释# (如果找不到这行,就自己添加进去) 找到“Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ”这句,在后面加上”ExecCGI “.(那个”Indexes “最好也能去掉,因为如果不去掉的话,目录下面没有index.html这种文件,就会显示出目录列表下的所有文件,所以有安全漏洞问题.如果去掉Indexes,而且没有index.html文件的话,就会显示一个For…
最近在做一个项目,涉及到大量的HTML.CSS代码的编写,手动写代码效率实在 是低下.于是想搜索一下,有没有Notepad++插件可以支持自动生成的,果不其然还真有.Emmet,这款神器其实就是 Zen Coding 的升级版,它可以极大的提高代码编写的效率,并提供了一种非常简练的语法规则,立刻生成对应的 HTML 结构或者 CSS 代码,同时还有多种实用的功能帮助进行前端开发. Emmet支持多种编辑器,如Sublime Text 2,TextMate 1.x,Eclipse/Aptana,E…
如果要在 rc.local 呼叫 python script python script 的位置需使用絕對路徑 其 python script 裡的有關 file 的位置也需使用 絕對路徑 如果要在 rc.local 呼叫建立 file file 的位置需使用絕對路徑 rc.local 位在 /etc 下 rc.local touch test #--- 沒有生效 touch ./test #--- 沒有生效 touch /etc/test #--- 生效 ..... ..... python…
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """The script is to check whether NE is in syncfail, if it is syncfail, login into CIPS to get login. """import paramikoimport sshimport osimport reimport timeimport appdirsimpor…
I write it yesterday to watch the NE process(rcpfd,cfgd) automatically, then i will write a window to implement it: #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import paramikoimport sshimport osimport reimport time#RCPD异常类class RCPD_Exception(Exce…
If you have several versions of Python installed, /usr/bin/env will ensure the interpreter used is the first one on your environment's $PATH. The alternative would be to hardcode something like #!/usr/bin/python; that's ok, but less flexible. In Unix…
Python scripts can be executed by passing the script name to the python command or created as executable commands that can run stand-alone. You’ll learn how to create both in this lesson. script.py: print("Hello World") When we want to run the s…
How can I launch an external python process from Excel 365 VBA on OSX? It took me a while, but I figured out how to do it. Excel 2016 has replaced MacScript() with AppleScriptTask(). This needs to be given an AppleScript file and function to call, an…