创建一个socketserver 至少分以下几步: First, you must create a request handler class by subclassing the BaseRequestHandlerclass and overriding its handle() method; this method will process incoming requests. Second, you must instantiate one of the server classe…
socket编程 应用层: 表示层: 会话层: 传输层: 网络层: ip地址 数据链路层: MAC地址 物理层: 协议类型: TCP/IP协议:三次握手,四次断开 2. Socket 参数介绍 socket.socket(family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None) 必会 Create a new socket using the given address family, socket type and proto…
目录 1.算法基础 2.冒泡排序 3.时间复杂度 (1)时间频度 (2)时间复杂度 4.指数时间 5.常数时间 6.对数时间 7.线性时间 1.算法基础 要求:生成一个4*4的2维数组并将其顺时针旋转90度 #!_*_coding:utf-8_*_ array=[[col for col in range(5)] for row in range(5)] #初始化一个4*4数组 #array=[[col for col in 'abcde'] for row in range(5)] for…