Today we have learned the Matrix Factorization, and I want to record my study notes. Some kownledge which I have learned before is forgot...(呜呜) 1.Terminology 单位矩阵:identity matrix 特征值:eigenvalues 特征向量:eigenvectors 矩阵的秩:rank 对角矩阵:diagonal matrix 对角化矩阵…
What is an intuitive explanation of the relation between PCA and SVD? 36 FOLLOWERS Last asked: 30 Sep, 2014 QUESTION TOPICS Singular Value Decomposition Principal Component Analysis Intuitive Explanations Statistics (academic discipline) Machine Lear…
Matrix and Determinant Let C be an M × N matrix with real-valued entries, i.e. C={cij}mxn Determinant is a value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix. The determinant of a matrix A is denoted det(A), det A, or |A|. In the case of…