一.简介 Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring data betweeen structured, semi-structured and unstructured data sources. Relational databases are examples of structured data sources with well defined schema for the data they store.…
第一步:进入clientShell fulong@FBI008:~$ sqoop.sh client Sqoop home directory: /home/fulong/Sqoop/sqoop-1.99.3-bin-hadoop200 Sqoop Shell: Type 'help' or '\h' for help. sqoop:000> set server --host FBI003 --port 12000 --webapp sqoop Server is set successful…
P573 从mysql导入数据到hdfs 第一步:在mysql中创建待导入的数据 1.创建数据库并允许所有用户访问该数据库 mysql -h -u root -p CREATE DATABASE sqoop; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%'; 或 GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE,UPDATE ON *.* TO 'root'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 查看权限:sel…