ASP.NET Core – Exceeds 1.15 Million request/s, 12.6 Gbps Congratulations to ASP.NET Core and .NET Core teams and the Open Source .NET community for quite a milestone in p…
今天看到一篇英文博文 -- ASP.NET Core – 2300% More Requests Served Per Second,被震撼了!ASP.NET Core每秒能处理115万个请求(是的,没弄错,是115万),是ASP.NET 4.6的23倍(5万个请求). 测试服务器用的是Azure G4 VM(16核CPU,224GB内存,最大IOPS是16000),CPU只占用了36%,带宽消耗了12.6Gbps.…
2018 .NET开发者调查报告: .NET Core 是怎么样的状态,这里我们看到了还有非常多的.net开发人员还在观望,本文给大家一个建议.这仅代表我的个人意见, 我有充分的理由推荐.net 程序员使用. net core而不是. net Framework.有些人可能不同意我的观点, 但是分享想法和讨论它是好的 程序员或他们所在的团队总有各种理由说他们的系统还在使用旧系统, 这显然是企业开发人员的事情.所以, 我将列出一些关于谁应该迁移到使用. net core而不是. net…
本文转自: When you build ASP.NET Core applications and you plan on running your applications on IIS you'll find that the way that Core ap…
ASP.NET Core offers attributes such as [HttpGet] and [HttpPost] that allow you to restrict the HTTP verbs used to invoke an action. You can also use HttpRequest object's Method property to detect the HTTP verb behind the current request. However, at…
Ajax跨域问题及解决方案   目录 复现Ajax跨域问题 Ajax跨域介绍 Ajax跨域解决方案 一. 在服务端添加响应头Access-Control-Allow-Origin 二. 使用JSONP解决 小结 复现Ajax跨域问题 做两个简单的小项目复现Ajax跨域问题. 后端语言使用Java 首先是一个简单的订单系统, 通过访问/loadOrderList, 最终以json串形式返回订单集合. 该项目使用Tomcat发布在7070端口. @RequestMapping("/loadOrder…
鸡冻人心的2016,微软高产年. build 2016后 各种干货层出不穷. 1 Win10 集成了bash  ,实现了纳德拉的成诺,Microsoft Love Linux!!! 2 跨平台  ,收购Xamarin ..还给开源了 3 Sqlserver有了Linux的版本............... 4 ASP.NET 5迎来第一个稳定版本,跨平台.在Windows Linux Mac OsX 中都能玩了......... 光说不练假把式,先上图一枚.... ---------------…
本文内容为转载,重新排版以供学习研究.如有侵权,请联系作者删除. 转载请注明本文出处:Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 - 40 ASP.NET Core ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What's In This Chapter? Understanding ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Web Technologies Using…
In this guide, we will cover setting up a production-ready ASP.NET environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 Server.+ Note For Ubuntu 14.04 supervisord is recommended as a solution for monitoring the Kestrel process. systemd is not available on Ubuntu 14.04. Se…
Thanks to the ASP.NET Core middleware pipeline, it is relatively simple to add additional HTTP headers to your application by using custom middleware. One common use case for this is to add caching headers. Allowing clients and CDNs to cache your con…