Okay for centos 6.4 also On apu.0xdata.loc, after this install was done $ which python /usr/local/bin/python $ python -V Python 2.7.3 $ ls -ltr /usr/local/bin/pyth* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Jan 30 2013 /usr/local/bin/python -> /usr/local/bin/python2…
Email: distutils-sig@python.org As a popular open source development project, Python has an active supporting community of contributors and users that also make their software available for other Python developers to use under open source license ter…
CentOS网络设置 couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org问题解决 今天在虚拟机上安装完CentOS6.5之后,首次使用时yum命令安装软件时,出现一堆的”couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org”这个问题. 上网上查了半天,很多都说在/etc/resolv.conf文件末尾添加下边这几段 nameserver nameserver serchdomain loca…
Here are the procedures we are to follow, Download the source code of an official Python release. Configure the build appropriately for our machine. Compile the software. Test the software to make sure it works properly. Install the software. Configu…
搭建环境 : CentOS 7 [root@KVM ~]# systemctl stop firewalld [root@KVM ~]# systemctl disable firewalld [root@KVM ~]# grep -Ei 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo # 过滤出vmx或svm关键字就代表支持虚拟化,vmx是Intel的CPU,svm是AMD的CPU 格式化新磁盘,并挂载 [root@KVM ~]# fdisk -l [root@KVM ~]# mkfs.ext…
第二章 CentOS安装步骤... 18 第一节 下载... 18 第二节 分区参考... 18 第三节 安装... 19 I Step 1:引导... 19 II Step 2:配置... 20 III Step 3:登录... 23 第四节 正确关机... 24 第五节 vi基本操作... 24 第六节 网络连接... 25 I 启用网卡... 26 II 静态IP设置... 27 III 添加第二张网卡... 27 第七节 SSHd. 29 I 帐号限制... 30 II SSH Clie…
在VBox上安装完CentOS6.5之后,首次使用时yum命令安装软件时,经常遇到"couldn't resolve host 'mirrorlist.centos.org"这个问题,上网上查了半天,很多都说在/etc/resolv.conf文件末尾添加nameserver nameserver serchdomain localdomain.可我试了半天也没有用!其实只要重启一下eth0网络适配器就可以了,它会自动连接网络的.以下命令均实验,yum命令…
登录微软官网,进入Install .NET Core SDK on Linux CentOS / Oracle 按照对应的指令,安装SDK Install the .NET SDK Update the products available for installation, install the components required by .NET, then install the .NET SDK. In your command prompt, run the following c…
好吧,我对网络协议以及ip配置知识的匮乏,让我在这里折腾了将近一天才搞定.可以说基本上网上遇到的问题我都遇到了.在这里,记下正确的步骤来给Centos配置网络.希望以后少走弯路. 首先我要说明的是,我是在VMware上安装的Centos6.3版本,而且我安装时选择的是没有图形界面的那种方式,也就是只有命令行操作的系统模式.因为想一切从头开始好好学习Linux,所以直接安装了只有命令行模式的桌面.我使用的是桥接方式来给Centos配置网络,下面就讲一下这样配置的步骤吧. 为centos配置网络 (…
1.set up connections between vitural machine and Xshell: After we connect the virtural machine to network,we can used an application named "Xshell" to operate the machine instead of the inconvenient way to operate it.Definitely,we should connect…