All 2D Game Engines/Frameworks are trying to solve the same problem(s). Languages don't matter- they are simply the bricks that make things happen. (Flash/AS, HTML5/JS, Cocos/ObjectiveC, MFC, Swift, etc.) Display: Stage, Canvas, RootViewController, a…
QLGame 2D Engine编写 (win7环境搭建) 广州麒麟网络工作室,计划制作一款2d game engine,基于opengl(es)平台,暂时支持android,以后考虑支持linux,ios! 开发环境: os:win7 64bit design tool:vs2012 eclipse ndk-r9d 开发原理: 采用c++开发,可以方便的移植到android,ios平台!目前正在一步一步的开发之中,源码将放到github上! 开发讲解: 首先在win平台下,进行opengl编程…
原文: 作者:Alex Rose 在本篇教程中,我们将使用简单的物理机制模拟一个动态的2D水体.我们将使用一个线性渲染器.网格渲染器,触发器以及粒子的混合体来创造这一水体效 果,最终得到可运用于你下款游戏的水纹和水花.这里包含了Unity样本源,但你应该能够使用任何游戏引擎以相同的原理执行类似的操作. 设置水体管理器 我们将使用Unity的一个线性渲染器来渲染我们的水体表面,并使用这些节点来展现持续的波纹. unity-wat…
awesome-android Introduction android libs from github System requirements Android Notice If the lib is no longer being maintained,please do not add it here. How To Contribute Step 1. Add a Item as follows: **Library Name**[one space]Short Description…
BACKGROUND The present invention relates to video processing systems. Advances in imaging technology have led to high resolution cameras for personal use as well as professional use. Personal uses include digital cameras and camcorders that can captu… NET Implementations .NET Core – Core .NET Framework C# Native – Compiles C# to native. Cosmos – C# Open Source Managed Operating System, an operat…
Awesome C/C++ A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Awesome C/C++ Standard Libraries Frameworks Artificial Intelligence Asynchronous Event Loop Audio Biology BitTorrent CLI…
转自: 两个横线是单行注释(译者注:这跟 SQL 一样) --[[ 增加两个 [ 和 ] 变成多行注释 我是多行注释:) --]] ---------------------------------------------------- -- 1. 变量和程序流程控制 Variables and flow control. --------------------------------------------… Demo: 演示: Example code to give you an idea of the API:…
The following are few examples of game engines implemented with HTML5 and JavaScript: Construct 2: One of the first WebGL enabled HTML5 game engines. Exports purely to HTML5 and JavaScript. Uses Canvas only and is extensible with JavaScript plugins.…