This is a guest blog from Robin Moffatt. Robin Moffatt is Head of R&D (Europe) at Rittman Mead, and an Oracle ACE. His particular interests are analytics, systems architecture, administration, and performance optimization. This blog is also posted on…
第一部分:安装和基本配置 一.环境 两台rhel 6.4虚拟机,分别异构oracle到mysql数据库同步测试Ip: 部署oracle,goldgate for oracleIp: 部署mysql5.5.9,goldengate for mysql 二.Oracle to Mysql需要注意的地方: 对MySQL支持的数据类型: CHAR|DATETIME|VARCHAR|TIMESTA…
Confluent is a company founded by the team that built Apache Kafka. It builds a platform around Kafka that enables companies to easily access data as real-time streams. Confluent offers three different ways to get started with Kafka. Confluent Open S…
Suppose you want to give the data backup option in Oracle Forms application to some client users, where you have installed Oracle 11g client or direct from server.The following procedure executes a batch file placed in current working directory of th…
问题: Error: [1146] ORA-01146: cannot start online backup - file 1 is already in backup ORA-01110: data file 1: 'C:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL8\SYSTEM01.DBF' 以上问题是指,system这个表空间现在是备份状态 解决: alter tablespace system end backup;…
oracle 11gR2 oracle restart 单机使用asm存储 主机名发生更改并且主机重启后处理过程: 以下为解决方案: 1. Remove Oracle Restart configuration This step should be performed as privileged (root) user. # $GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force The expected result is "Successful…
1.1 Oracle数据库备份 1.1.1 链接Oracle介质管理库 请在数据库节点上操作. [oracle@db01/usr/openv/netbackup/bin]$ ./oracle_link Thu Jul 9 14:35:44 CST 2015 All Oracle instances should be shutdown before running this script. Please log into the Unix system as the Oracle owner… 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 业务上有这么一个需求,需要把Oracle的一些数据同步到MySQL,如果每次都是手动同步的话,实在太麻烦,因此花了点时间研究了下Oracle直连MySQL的方式. 参考文档:Detailed Overview of Connecting Oracle to MySQL Using DG4ODBC Database Link (Doc I…
Oracle ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 错误解决办法 登陆数据库时提示 “ORA-01033”错误在命令窗口以sys方式登陆 即sqlplus AS SYSDBA--注意<sqlnet.ora>文件中的SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES参数后面的值需为NTS 执行shutdown 后提示数据库未打开然后执行startup MOUNT 提示未初始化句柄之类的错误 后面又试过几次类似这…
Pre-Query trigger in Oracle D2k / Oracle Forms DescriptionFires during Execute Query or Count Query processing, just before Form Builder constructs and issuesthe SELECT statement to identify rows that match the query criteria.Definition Level form or…
今天用Oracle突然出现Oracle ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress. 想起前两天删掉了几个DBF文件,幸好还没有清回收站,赶紧的还原文件.但很不幸,即使重启之后依然存在这个问题.然后上百度查,依着人家的解决方案也是不行: 蹲坑的时候忽然想到,我的系统是win10,里面有个快速启动的选项,会不会是重启的时候Oracle的那些服务根本就没关,一个激灵赶紧的提裤子上手,把服务里所有Oracle起头的都重启了一遍(对,…