install sublime for linux】的更多相关文章

Download Your Free eBooks NOW - 10 Free Linux eBooks for Administrators Python API, that available for Windows and C, C#, HTML, JavaScript, Groovy, LaTeX and the list goes on. The user interface is much similar to most famous editor called “vim“. Ins…
Sublime Text is an awesome text editor. If you’ve never heard of it, you should check it out right now. I’ve made this tutorial because there’s no installer for the Linux versions of Sublime Text. While that’s not a real problem, I feel there is a cl…
Linux Package Manager Repositories Sublime Text includes an auto-upgrade mechanism on Windows and Mac to make upgrades a snap. Instead of going against the grain of the Linux ecosystem, packages…
今天为客户的centos服务器安装安全狗时提示Need system command 'locate' to install safedog for linux.Installation aborted!这个应该是缺少了什么组件,查找了相关资料解决了问题,下面随ytkah一起来看看如何操作的吧 这个问题是缺少搜索命令组件,用下面命令进行安装 yum -y install mlocate 再运行安装安全狗,但还提示Need system command 'lspci' to install saf…
使用autotools工具用configure.make.make install编译安装linux工程的详细步骤 转载tmxkwzy 最后发布于2016-11-24 10:20:15 阅读数 3245  收藏   autotools是个系列工具,主要由autoconf.automake.perl语言环境和m4等组成,所包含的命令有5个: 下图是autotools使用的流程图: autotools的安装: apt-get install autoconf  automake  autotools…
Step 1, Install sublime3 Download sublime2/3 from $tar -jxvf sublime_text_3_build_3083_x64.tar.bz2 //V3 $tar -jxvf Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.2\ x64.tar.bz2 // If you install V2 sublime $sudo mv sublime_text_3 /usr/lib/ //So you n…
step 1 : install oracle client library url: or search:  instant clients download for Linux x86 download:   # choose your version !!!! instantclien…
本文转自: 比较懒....大家看图说话就行了.... 说句实在话…还是老外写的地道. 1. Open up XenCenter and establish a connection to your XenServer. Here is an example of a Virtual Machine that is a fresh install but does not hav…
Test:  success.  failed. The GNU Scientific Library is an open source (GPL) library of useful routines for scientific and numerical computing. It will (should) buil…
博文结构图如下: 一.环境描述以及注意事项 1.1 环境简介 IP 系统 Oracle版本 OGG版本 源端 RHEL6.5 oracle11204 12.1 目标端 RHEL6.5 oracle11204 12.1 同步用户为:hr. 1.2 OGG网络带宽规划 GoldenGate数据同步所需的网络带宽是目前各种技术中最低的,复制全库数据时,通常GoldenGate队列文件大小与数据库日志大小的比例为1:4,GoldenGate网络…