Inversion Time Limit 1s Memory Limit 131072KB Judge Program Standard Ratio(Solve/Submit) 15.00%(3/20) Description: bobo has a sequence a1,a2,…,an. He is allowed to swap two adjacent numbers for no more than k times. Find the minimum number of inversi…
无邪的飞行棋 Time Limit 1s Memory Limit 64KB Judge Program Standard Ratio(Solve/Submit) 15.38%(4/26) Description: 大家还记得小时候玩过的飞行棋游戏吧,和小伙伴们一起体验飞行的乐趣!随着岁月的流逝我们换个方法重温这个游戏. 开始我们都在起点0,我们的目标是到达目的地M(0 < M < 1000).现在我们手中有N(0 < N < 100)种点数,每种点数的大小为K(0 < k…
链接: Now we have a function f(x): int f ( int x ) { if ( x == 0 ) return 0; return f ( x / 10 ) + x % 10; } For a given interval [A, B] (1 <= A <= B <= 10^9), calculate how many integer x that mod f…