This article describes how to create, build and debug your first driver using Visual Studio and VisualDDK. It provides detailed step-by-step instructions on using the development and debugging tools, leaving the driver API and architecture descriptio…
本文描述了如何使用Visual Studio+VMMare+VisualDDK来创建.编译和调试你的第一个驱动程序.本文提供在开发和调试工具的环境下详细的操作步骤,而无需太多的关心这些环境背后所做的事情.如果你想学习更多驱动程序开发的API,可以参考 Online WDK help. 本教程我们会创建以下驱动测序并且在虚拟机上测试它: 一个超级简单的驱动,加载时打印一条信息 如果你有另外一台实体机,你就不用安装虚拟机了.不过,你可能需要COM连接或者一个火线连接两台机子. 必备软件 开始写驱动之…
原帖: 本文描述了如何使用Visual Studio+VMMare+VisualDDK来创建.编译和调试你的第一个驱动程序.本文提供在开发和调试工具的环境下详细的操作步骤,而无需太多的关心这些环境背后所做的事情. 本教程我们会创建以下驱动测序并且在虚拟机上测试它: · 一个超级简单的驱动,加载时打印一条信息 如果你有另外一台实体机,你就不用安装虚拟机了.不过,你可能…
Burp Suite is one of the best tools available for web application testing. Its wide variety of features helps us perform various tasks, from intercepting a request and modifying it on the fly, to scanning a web application for vulnerabilities, to bru…
Burp Suite is one of the best tools available for web application testing. Its wide variety of features helps us perform various tasks, from intercepting a request and modifying it on the fly, to scanning a web application for vulnerabilities, to bru…
Malware Analysis Tutorial 8: PE Header and Export Table 2. Background Information of PE HeaderAny binary executable file (no matter on Unix or Windows) has to include a header to describe its structure: e.g., the base address of its code section, dat…
复制: 收集整理了下 Xamarin.Forms 的学习参考资料,分享给大家,稍后会不断补充: UI样式 Snppts: Xamarin Forms UI Snippets. Prebuilt Templates: Jump-start your next project with a prebuilt app. Xamarin.Forms Zeplin extension: Generates XAML…
收集整理了下 Xamarin.Forms 的学习参考资料,分享给大家,稍后会不断补充: UI样式 Snppts: Xamarin Forms UI Snippets. Prebuilt Templates: Jump-start your next project with a prebuilt app. Xamarin.Forms Zeplin extension: Generates XAML for Xamarin.Forms. AiForms.CollectionView: This i…
from: How it works: Linux audio explained Posted at 11:30am on Thursday April 8th 2010 There's a problem with the state of Linux audio, and it's not that it doesn't always work. The issue is tha…
原文:Async IO in Python: A Complete Walkthrough 原文作者: Brad Solomon 原文发布时间:2019年1月16日 翻译:Tacey Wong 翻译时间:2019年7月22日 翻译仅便于个人学习,熟悉英语的请阅读原文 目录 搭建自己的实验环境 异步IO鸟瞰图 哪些场景适合异步IO? 异步IO释义 异步IO使用起来不容易 asyncio 包和 async/await async/await 语法和原生协程 异步IO规则 异步IO设计模式 链式协程…