在做图片处理的时候最常遇到的问题估计就是Out Of Memory (内存溢出)了 网上对这种问题的解决方案很多,原来无非就是压缩图片大小 本不该重复造轮子,但实际中却遇见了问题,写出来希望后来者能引以为戒,并给出一个自我感觉不错的方案 常用的一种解决方案: FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(file);BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inS…
bitmap size exceeds VM budget we can avoid this error by the following parts:1 its not how much images the screen has, but being carefull on cleaning everything up when finishing the activity 2 Technique to Avoid, #3: Going Overboard with Layouts:…