1408E Avoid Rainbow Cycles 概述 非常有趣的题目(指解法,不难,但很难想) 非常崇拜300iq,今天想做一套div1时看见了他出的这套题Grakn Forces 2020,就立马开始补这套题,果然不出我所料,全是iq题(误 题目 m个set中有1-n的一些数,首先我们可以把一个数 j 从set i 中删除,代价是 \(a[i]+b[j]\) ,至于为什么要删除之后再说 接着我们对于每个set i,\(\forall x,y \in i\),建边\((x,y)\)并染色为…
看到老外评论区中说,这场的难度估计是\(div.1\)和\(div.1.5\)的合并 A. Circle Coloring #构造 题目链接 题意 给定三个长度为\(n\)数组\(a,b,c\),要你从三个数组中选取元素构造出长度也为\(n\)的数组,内部相邻元素互不相等(包括下标\(1\)和\(n\)) 分析 注意是一个圈中相邻元素互不相等. #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #incl…
比赛链接:https://codeforces.com/contest/1408 A. Circle Coloring 题意 给出三个长为 $n$ 的序列 $a,b,c$,对于每个 $i$,$a_i \ne b_i,\ a_i \ne c_i,\ b_i \ne c_i$ . 构造序列 $p$,使得: $p_i \in \{a_i, b_i, c_i\}$ $p_i \neq p_{(i + 1 \mod n)}$ 题解 即每个数不与前后两个数相同,因为三个序列同一位置两两不同,所以对于每个位置…
网上看到的 http://esoftmobile.com/2013/08/10/effective-objective-c/ 本文是针对<Effective Objective-C>一书的代码解读,笔者并没有看过原书,只是通过阅读该书的代码,并结合相应的主题,来臆测作者可能要表达的内容并用自己的语言来描述出来. Chapter 1: Accustoming Yourself to Objective-C Item 1: Familiarize Yourself with Objective-C…
来自stackoverflow解释的挺有意思的 Imagine our object is a dog, and that the dog wants to run away (be deallocated). Strong pointers are like a leash on the dog. As long as you have the leash attached to the dog, the dog will not run away. If five people attach…
https://medium.freecodecamp.com/million-requests-per-second-with-Python-95c137af319 Is it possible to hit a million requests per second with python? Probably not until recently. A lot of companies are migrating away from Python and to other programmi…
专题:Linux内存管理专题 关键词:RMAP.页面迁移. 相关章节:反向映射RMAP.内存规整. 页面迁移的初衷是为NUMA系统提供一种将进程迁移到任意内存节点的能力,后来内存规整和内存热插拔场景都使用了此功能. 页面迁移将就页面内容,迁移到新的页面. 需要分配新页面,将旧页面内容拷贝到新页面:然后利用RAMP技术解除旧页面的映射关系,并将映射关系映射到新页面. 1. migrate_pages系统调用 Linux提供了migrate_pages系统调用,从old_nodes中获取原内存节点,…
http://esoftmobile.com/2013/08/17/effective-objective-c-2/ Chapter 6: Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch Item 37: Understand Blocks <Ry’s Objective-C Tutorial># Blocks Item 38: Create typedefs for Common Block Types 当我们程序中要使用一些具有共性的Block时(返回值类型.参数个数和…
Objective-C Properties Apple introduced properties, a combination of new compiler directivesand a new attribute accessor syntax. Apple 引入了属性这一概念.新的编译器命令和新的属性存取句法. 1.1 Shrinking the Interface 减少interface代码   @property float rainHandling; says that obj…
1,java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Unknown pair 1.Please try to turn on isStoreKeepBinary in cache settings - like this; please note the last line: down vote accepted Please try to turn on isStoreKeepBinary in cache settings - like this; please note…