Linux Bash Script conditions】的更多相关文章

Linux Bash Script conditions shell 编程之条件判断 条件判断式语句.单分支 if 语句.双分支 if 语句.多分支 if 语句.case 语句 refs xgqfrms 2012-2020 发布文章使用:…
Linux bash script regex auto replace 自动替换 /assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css => ./assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css /assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css => /docs/assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> &…
Linux Bash Script loop shell 编程之流程控制 for 循环.while 循环和 until 循环 for var in item1 item2 ... itemN do command1 command2 ... commandN done for var in item1 item2 ... itemN; do command1; command2- done; refs https://linuxize…
content [toc] bash scripts equivalent bash command to rename a bash variable/command alias fire='firefox' fire similar way is to set environment variable export fire=firefox however when you wish to use this variable, you need call it with a '$' $fir…
1. sed sed 是一种流编辑器,它是文本处理中非常常用的工具,能够完美的配合正则表达式使用,功能非常强大. mkdir playground touch test.txt echo "Hello world!" >> test.txt cat>test.txt<<EOF > i love you > my honey > be easy > last row > EOF 例如: 删除文档的第一行 sed -i '1d'…
在使用鸟哥linux进行script shell学习的过程中碰到一些不太明白的知识点,在这里进行一些记录 1. [root@www scripts]# vi #!/bin/bash # Program: # Program creates three files, which named by user's input # and date command. # History: # 2005/08/23 VBird First release PATH=/bin:/sbin:/…
From original post @ In the world of data analysis, the term automation runs hand in hand with the term “scripting”. There’s not the best programming language, only the most suitable to perform…
原文网址: 转自:Eric Cheung: Linux(BASH)命令搜索机制 本文假设的环境是GNU/Linux,且shell是BASH; 注意: 另外,我们讨论的前提是当你键入一个命令时并没有指定该命令的路径, 举例来说就是我们键入的命令是以commandname的形式而不是/path/commandname或./path/commandname…
不久以前,以前搜到一篇博客是读取配置文件的,,用到如今,感觉十分方便.感谢作者. 如今,须要通过web界面给用户留出接口来改动类似配置文件,大的方法是从php调用linux shell script,于是,如今贴一个能够改动此种配置文件的linux shell. 首先,配置文件的格式例如以下: [unit1] field1=value1 field2=value2 [unit2…
linux - Run bash script as daemon - Stack Overflow # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.…