Linear basis is a relatively easy to learn but may not be useful algorithm. Below are two blogs that I think are better. Linear-based talk Detailed Explanation of Linear Base The complexity of the linear basis is very good, if it is inserted normally…
After talking about Information theory, now let's come to one of its application - Decision Tree! Nowadays, in terms of prediction power, there are many ensemble methods based on tree that can beat Decision Tree generally. However I found it necessar…
本章开始学习第一个有监督学习模型--线性回归模型."线性"在这里的含义仅限定了模型必须是参数的线性函数.而正如我们接下来要看到的,线性回归模型可以是输入变量\(x\)的非线性函数. 书中首先对回归问题给出了一个简短的不那么正式的定义: Given a training data set comprising \(N\) observations \(\{x_n\}\), where \(n = 1, ... , N\), together with corresponding targ…