below is a good answer for this question , so I copy on here for some people need it By the way, the three forms can be combined as follows: def f(a,*b,**c): All single arguments beyond the first will end up with the tuple b, and all key/value argume…
Dictionaries A dictionary is like a list, but more general. In a list, the indices have to be integers; in a dictionary they can be (almost) any type.You can think of a dictionary as a mapping between a set of indices (which are called keys) and a se…
Original article Built-in arrays Javascript Arrays(Javascript only) ArrayLists Hashtables Generic Lists Generic Dictionaries 2D Arrays All types of collections share a few common features: You can fill them with objects, and read back the values that…
运行一下程序时出现“java.lang.AssertionError: SAM dictionaries are not the same”报错 java -jar picard.jar SortVcf \ I=1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.vcf \ O=1000G_phase1.indels.hg19.sites.sorted.vcf \ SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY=hg19.dict 说明要先更新hg19.dict,在做上步之前,先运行如下命令:…
Nine Years for A and B By Christopher Ricks Dr. Johnson was the greatest man who made a dictionary. James A.H. Murray was the man who made the greatest dictionary: From 1879 to 1915, when he died, he devoted his life to the creation of the Oxford Eng…
Name:Dictionaries Should Be EqualSource:Collections <test library>Arguments:[ dict1 | dict2 | msg=None | values=True ]Fails if the given dictionaries are not equal. First the equality of dictionaries' keys is checked and after that all the key value…
Dictionaries have a method called items that returns a list of tuples, where each tuple is a key-value pair. As you should expect from a dictionary, the items are in no particular order. Conversely, you can use a list of tuples to initialize a new di…