Few people know that when you take photos there is also a thumbnail embeded inside the file, even some forensic guys may have no idea about this important clue. That means if you see a damaged photo, you could try to extract the thumbnail inside the…
IOC Security: Indicators of Attack vs. Indicators of Compromise https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/indicators-attack-vs-indicators-compromise/ December 9, 2014 Jessica DeCianno Endpoint Protection What is an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)? First we shou…
Last night an explosion on a commuter train carriage in Taipei Songshan railway station wounded at least 21 people. The Criminal Investigation Bureau conducted an investigation on the crime scene and found the explosives. Some witness on that train s…
英文译名 CSI (第1季) (2000首播)CBS. 本季看点:<犯罪现场调查>赌城拉斯维加斯吸引着做发财梦的人,也吸引着形形色色的罪犯,该市警察局的犯罪现场调查局在全美国名列第二.该剧讲述这个部门的警探如何用科学的手段,解开一个个扑朔迷离的案件,不仅具有娱乐性,而且有相当的教学价值,被很多地.. 目前,CSI.Crime Scene Investigation共有十五季.此外,CSI.还有Miami(迈阿密).NY(纽约)两种. 网友评论:一直都很喜欢这种风格的片子,在细微的观察中发现蛛丝…
About this Course You will learn how to build a successful machine learning project. If you aspire to be a technical leader in AI, and know how to set direction for your team's work, this course will show you how. Much of this content has never been…
1163 - Bank Robbery   In one very cold morning, Mark decides to rob a bank. But while trying hacking into the security system, he found that it is locked by some random value. He also found a pattern on the random number, that is if he chops off the…
How to Recover Data (Without a Backup!) It's the classic career-limiting maneuver(职业限制机动): accidentally deleting data you weren't meant to. It's easy to do this as the result of mistakes such as: Running a test script on production Getting the where…
题目链接:Recover Binary Search Tree | LeetCode OJ Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake. Recover the tree without changing its structure. Note: A solution using O(n) space is pretty straight forward. Could you devise a constan…
Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake. Recover the tree without changing its structure. Note:A solution using O(n) space is pretty straight forward. Could you devise a constant space solution? confused what "{1,#,2,3}"…
之前写的那个版本看来真的是不行啊.最近研究了一下官方第一人称脚本,人家的平滑过渡真的是没得说.借鉴了一下,写出来了一个新的比较完美的控制. 之前我们的操作是通过鼠标输入的开始坐标和转动坐标.其实官方有一个函数~ float yRot = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); float xRot = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); 这就分别能获取到鼠标的X轴操作和Y轴操作了. 那为什么用yRot获取X轴,xRot获取Y轴呢? 左面是…