website architecture】的更多相关文章

如果在不仔细考虑网站架构的情况下就去做一个网站,这就像在没有规划行程前而去贸然旅行.你可能最终到了你的目的终点,但是你可能也不知道在这过程中,你已经走过了多少的弯路.做网站适用同样的道理.在开工之前,好好的规划你的网站架构是非常有必要的:一方面使得设计流程清晰规范,另一方面更加有效的layout,SEO优化设计等都可以在这个阶段有所考量. sitemap sitemap是网站组织的指南.她是能在你的网站上的所有元素的可视化反映,表明了有哪些链接,分别指向哪些页面,这些页面是如何连接在一起的,你如…
[Architecture] 系统架构正交分解法 前言 随着企业成长,支持企业业务的软件,也会越来越庞大与复杂.当系统复杂到一定程度,开发人员会发现很多系统架构的设计细节,很难有条理.有组织的用一张大蓝图去做分析设计.先前在InfoQ上看到一篇文章:「亿级用户下的新浪微博平台架构 - 卫向军」,在这篇文章里使用正交分解法,来分析设计新浪微博平台的系统架构. 透过正交分解法这样表格式的条列与分解,可以让开发人员清楚理解每个象限的关注点,进而去理解与组织整个系统架构所使用到的框架技术.本篇文章介绍如…
CLK.Prototype.Architecture 最近找数据,看到了博客园在不久之前,办了一个架构分享的活动:.Net项目分层与文件夹结构大全.看完之后觉得获益良多,接着也忍不住手痒,开始整理属于自己的分层架构:「CLK Architecture」. CLK Architecture的设计,是以DDD(Domain-driven design)概念精神做为核心,并且选用微软.NET相关技术来实作.期望提供开发人员,在开发.NET相关应用程序时,有个基础的分层架构.命名惯例可以参考,省去每个项… If you're working in an agile software development team at the moment, take a look around at your environment. Whether it's physical or virtual, there's likely to be a story wal…
What is AMQP? (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) When two applications need to communicate there are a lot of solutions like IPC, if these applications are remote we can use RPC. When two or more applications communicate with each other we can use E…
Open source software has become a fundamental building block for some of the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown, best practices and guiding principles around their architectures have emerged. This chapter seeks to cover some of the ke…
Introduction The Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style is not a technology you can purchase or a library you can add to your software development project. It is first and foremost a worldview that elevates information into a firs…
At Stackify, we understand the amount of effort that goes into creating great applications. That’s why we build tools for Application Performance Management (APM), log management, and a whole suite of application support tools (in one solution) to ma…
Microservice Architecture pattern Context You are developing a server-side enterprise application. It must support a variety of different clients including desktop browsers, mobile browsers and nati…
转自: Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems Kate Matsudaira Open source software has become a fundamental building block for someof the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown,best practices and…