Downloading the Source】的更多相关文章

The Android source tree is located in a Git repository hosted by Google. This document  describes how to download the source tree for a specific Android code-line. Installing Repo Repo is a tool that makes it easier to work with Git in the context of…
下面的内容来自Android官方网站,由于访问这个网站需要FQ,不方便,所以我把部分内容copy下来了,不保证内容是最新的. Source Overview    Codelines, Branches, and Releases    Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers    Project Roles    Brand Guidelines    Licenses    FAQDownloading and Building    Establishing…
搜索 虫部落快搜(已被墙) Google免FQ镜像汇总 Lantern stackoverflow 博客 Android基础&进阶 深入理解Android 老罗的Android之旅 Android 精彩案例 Android源码解读 Android开发学习笔记 Trinea TONY's NotePad Jlog Coding, thoughts. GitHub Trinea suzp1984 Google Samples 文章 How-To SU(SELinux/SEAndroid) 资源 Ub…
以下内容翻译自,并附有原文,由于是第一次翻译,如有任何翻译不恰当之处,欢迎指出. UPDATE (May 06, 2012): I apologize for mentioning it supports encryption. Pool version 28 is the latest source that the Free Software community has.…
1. Introduction The Springfox suite of java libraries are all about automating the generation of machine and human readable specifications for JSON APIs written using the spring family of projects. Springfox works by examining an application, once, a… Downloading the Source IN THIS DOCUMENT Installing Repo Initializing a Repo client Downloading the Android Source Tree Using Authentication Troubleshooting network issues Using a local mirror Verifyi… Establishing a Build Environment IN THIS DOCUMENT Choosing a Branch Setting up a Linux build environment Installing the JDK Installing required packages (Ubuntu 14.04) Installing required packages (…
This section describes how to set up your local work environment to build the Android source files. You will need to use Linux or Mac OS. Building under Windows is not currently supported. Note: The source download is approximately 8.5GB in size. You…
Memory Optimization If a document deals with a lot of data or large elements, such as images, it is not wise to build the sections entirely in memory and then add them to the document. If you take a look at the code above and run it with 1,000,000 ro…
官方文档:  Requirements The Android build is routinely tested in-house on recent versions of Ubuntu LTS (14.04), but most distributions should have the required build tools available. Before you download…