
[Codeforces722E] Research Rover (dp+组合数学) 题面 给出一个N*M的方格阵,从(1,1)出发,到(N,M)结束,从(x,y)只能走到(x+1,y)或(x,y+1).方格阵上还有K个特殊点,初始时给出的分数t每经过一个特殊点就会变成\([\frac{t}{2}]\).求到(N,M)时得分的期望.保证(1,1)和(N,M)不是特殊点.\(N,M≤100000,\ K≤2000,\ t≤1000000\) 分析 考虑根据特殊点dp.把(1,1)和(n,m)也看作特…
CF722E Research Rover Unfortunately, the formal description of the task turned out to be too long, so here is the legend. Research rover finally reached the surface of Mars and is ready to complete its mission. Unfortunately, due to the mistake in th…