Surprising Strings Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6193   Accepted: 4036 Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-unique if all of…
Surprising Strings Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5081   Accepted: 3336 Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-unique if all of…
Surprising Strings Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5783   Accepted: 3792 Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-unique if all of…
题目: 题意:给定一个字符串S,从中找出所有有两个字符组成的子串,每当组成子串的字符之间隔着n字符时,如果没有相同的子串出现,则输出 "S is surprising." , 反之,则输出 "S is NOT surprising." . 例如 AABA 把它分成两个字符为一个整体的,1..相邻两个字符 AA,AB,BA 没有相同的;    2.隔一个字符的 AB AA 没有相同;          3.隔…
Surprising Strings Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6258   Accepted: 4072 Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-unique if all of…
                               C - Surprising Strings 题意:输入一段字符串,假设在同一距离下有两个字符串同样输出Not surprising ,否则输出surprising. Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-uniq…
题目传送门 /* 题意:一个串有字串重复n次产生,求最大的n KMP:nex[]的性质应用,感觉对nex加深了理解 */ /************************************************ * Author :Running_Time * Created Time :2015-8-10 10:51:54 * File Name :POJ_2406.cpp ************************************************/ #incl…
[POJ3096]Surprising Strings 试题描述 The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A string is D-unique if all of its D-pairs are different. A string is surprising if it is D-unique for every pos…
Surprising Strings Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 294    Accepted Submission(s): 209 Problem Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters tha…
                                Surprising Strings Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u   Description The D-pairs of a string of letters are the ordered pairs of letters that are distance D from each other. A s…