Network| ICMP】的更多相关文章

Internet Control Message Protocol,ICMP是网路协议族的核心协议之一.它用于TCP/IP网络中发送控制消息,提供可能发生在通信环境中的各种问题反馈,通过这些信息,令管理者可以对所发生的问题作出诊断,然后采取适当的措施解决. ICMP通常用于返回的错误信息或是分析路由.ICMP错误消息总是包括了源数据并返回给发送者. ICMP错误消息的例子之一是TTL值过期.每个路由器在转发数据报的时候都会把ip包头中的TTL值减一.如果TTL值为0,“TTL在传输中过期”的消息…
Q1:HTTP Error 403: Forbidden python中经常使用urllib2.urlopen函数提取网页源码,但是有些时候这个函数返回的却是:HTTP Error 403: Forbidden,这表明源网站不允许爬虫进行爬取 解决方法:伪装成浏览器进行访问 #!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import urllib2 url = "…
when ping, specifying the length of the packet by: ping localhost -l 32 Actually default is -l 32, so if we omit the last option, the sent packets are the same. This packet is of real size of 82, consists of 8 bytes of Physical Layer, 14 bytes of Eth…
Network Netstat ICMP /proc/net/snmp 1. ICMP Errors 1 type: GraphUnit: shortLabel: Messages out (-) / in (+)InErrors - 接收的 ICMP 错误的报文(例如ICMP校验和错误.长度错误等) metrics: irate(node_netstat_Icmp_InErrors{instance=~"$node:$port",job=~"$job"}[5m])…
NAME fping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts SYNOPSIS fping [ options ] [ systems... ] fping6 [ options ] [ systems... ] DESCRIPTION fping is a program like ping which uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to…
Network Basic Commands Summary set or modify hostname a)     temporary ways hostname NEW_HOSTNAME, but if you reboot your system, it will disabled. b)    permanent ways: edit "/etc/sysconfig/network" HOSTNAME, then restart system, it will effect…
Today we troubleshooting a lot of network issue by using commands like: ping <ip>/<computername> netstat -na telnet <ip>/<computername> <port> 特此列出一些常用的网络命令 网络命令 ping用法: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v T…
学习 Neutron 系列文章: (1)Neutron 所实现的虚拟化网络 (2)Neutron OpenvSwitch + VLAN 虚拟网络 (3)Neutron OpenvSwitch + GRE/VxLAN 虚拟网络 (4)Neutron OVS OpenFlow 流表 和 L2 Population (5)Neutron DHCP Agent (6)Neutron L3 Agent (7)Neutron LBaas (8)Neutron Security Group (9)Neutro…
学习 Neutron 系列文章: (1)Neutron 所实现的虚拟化网络 (2)Neutron OpenvSwitch + VLAN 虚拟网络 (3)Neutron OpenvSwitch + GRE/VxLAN 虚拟网络 (4)Neutron OVS OpenFlow 流表 和 L2 Population (5)Neutron DHCP Agent (6)Neutron L3 Agent (7)Neutron LBaas (8)Neutron Security Group (9)Neutro…