How to get the xpath by clicking an html element How to get the xpath by clicking an html element Quick Tip: Outline Elements on Hover Quick Tip: Outline Elements on Hover Highlight On Mouseover Effect With JQuery Highlight On Mouseover Effect With J…
memcached vs MySQL Memory engine table 速度比较_XMPP Jabber即时通讯开发实践_百度空间 memcached vs MySQL Memory engine table 速度比较 Performance compare: Tim memcached 1.2.0MySQL 5.0.26 with MEMORY (heap) engine 记录数:50…
sort 使用 tab键 作为 分隔符_人生如梦_百度空间 sort 使用 tab键 作为 分隔符 For some reason "\t" doesn't work right, sort doesn't want to interpret it:Code:~$ sort -t \\t -k2 -n examplesort: multi-character tab `\\t'You can enter a tab using <backslash-code>' synta…
处理器的乱序和并发执行 目前的高级处理器,为了提高内部逻辑元件的利用率以提高运行速度,通常会采用多指令发射.乱序执行等各种措施.现在普遍使用的一些超标量处理器通常能够在一个指令周期内并发执行多条指令.处理器从L1 I-Cache预取了一批指令后,就会分析找出那些互相没有关联可以并发执行的指令,然后送到几个独立的执行单元进行并发执行.比如下面这样的代码(假定编译器不做优化): z = x + y;p = m + n; CPU就有可能将这两行无关代码分别送到两个算术单元去同时执行.像Freescal…
What is it? backgorund: an archive file (.a) is similar as .lib compared to Winodws. it simply contains object files. Creating an archive file is not "linking", thus no symbol missing/confilct will be checked. but an. so/.dll is somehow more lik…
By default, -l option will search libraries with lib* prefix in speficied search paths. i.e. 1 ld -o a.out -lA cppmain.o will search in all library search paths. but it is possbile to set library by using a path & any filename(without…
C++03 3.9-10: 1 Arithmetic types (3.9.1), enumeration types, pointer types, and pointer to member types (3.9.2), and cv-qualified versions of these types (3.9.3) are collectively called scalar types. Scalar types, POD-struct types, POD-union types (c…
Introduction In DirectX 8, support for rendering to multiple windows is provided through the creation of additional swap chains. However, there are currently no examples of this in the SDK, and the documentation is a bit vague. This article is provid…
from: 在 C++ 中,同一个翻译单位(.cpp文件)里的全局对象的初始化顺序是先定义的对象先初始化(同时也后析构),但 C++ 标准并没有规定不同翻译单位间全局对象的初始化顺序.按照这个分析,以下的代码可能工作,也可能不工作(cout 是 C++ 用于输出的全局对象,和我们自己的对象位于不同的翻译单位): class A { A() { cou…