Install Jenkins plugins 'Cobertura' and 'HTML Publisher' 1. add Post-build Actions "Publish HTML reports" 2. add Post-build Actions "Publish Cobertura Coverage Report" refer to…
代码覆盖率(Code Coverage)是反映测试用例对被测软件覆盖程度的重要指标,也是衡量测试工作进展情况的重要指标.它也是对测试工作进行量化的重要指标之一,测试工作往往不如开发那样激动人心,一个重要原因之一就是测试难于量化,而代码覆盖率恰恰是解决着一问题的重要指标.根据其覆盖内容的不同,又可以细分为:语句覆盖.判定覆盖.条件覆盖.路径覆盖以及循环覆盖等等,这里有一篇很好的博客<代码覆盖率浅谈>介绍了各种不同覆盖率的定义.有的理解起来还是蛮拗口的,但其实不难,用到了再看就成!在所有这些覆盖中…
The Code Coverage tool visually shows you which lines of code in your CSS and JavaScript are used and unused. You can now export your raw Code Coverage data which then opens up possibilities for tooling integration, such as a tool which can modify yo…
版权声明:若无来源注明,Techie亮博客文章均为原创. 转载请以链接形式标明本文标题和地址: 本文标题:Qt代码覆盖率code coverage(VS版)     本文地址: 文章目录 1. OpenCppCoverage安装 2. 代码覆盖率测试  2.1. ?利用VS插件实现代码覆盖率测试  2.2. 利用cmd命令实现代码覆盖率测试 下述说明仅适用于VS编译,若Mingw可直接使用gcov. QT代码覆盖率测试需要使用…
概述 使用 idea 自带的 code coverage 工具 背景 了解 白盒测试用例设计 和 测试覆盖率 之后, 大概就需要 实践 了 实践的话, 还是需要 工具 来检验效果 工具选取 选项 JaCoCo IDEA Code Coverage 结果 两个都想试试 先看看 IDEA CC, 这个比较简单 JaCoCo 感觉更加复杂 指标 使用的场景都更加复杂 先讲 IDEA Code Coverage 简单 Idea 自带, 集成方便 1. 准备 理论基础 白盒测试用例设计 测试覆盖率 环境…
Code coverage is a measure used in software testing that describes the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested. It a form of white box testing as it is a form of testing that inspects the code directly. Recommended Reading: 12 So…
Gumshoe - Microsoft Code Coverage Test Toolset 2014-07-17 What is Gumshoe? How to instrument a binary? step-by-step instruction Step 1: Install GumShoe Step 2: Instrument binary Step 3: Rename the binaries as follows and copy to run path Step4: Start…
Jest comes pre-packaged with the ability to track code coverage for the modules you're testing, but it takes a little extra work to make it track untested files as well. Let's look at what Jest can do for you, what you have to do yourself, and how to…
虽然我们已经有了测试程序,但是如何得知是否已完整测试了主程序?,透过Code Coverage代码涵盖率,我们可以快速地得知,目前系统中,有多少程序中被测试过,不考虑成本跟投资效益比,涵盖率越高,代表系统如预期正常运作的面向也越广泛. 阅读全文>>…
CI集成phpunit时,运行报No code coverage driver is available的错误,如下图: yanglingdeMacBook-Pro:tests yangling$ phpunit PHPUnit 6.1.3 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Error: No code coverage driver is available .... 4 / 4 (100%) Time: 220 ms, Memory: 10.00…