poj3334(Connected Gheeves)】的更多相关文章

Connected Gheeves Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 1008   Accepted: 368 Description Gheeves (plural of gheef) are some objects similar to funnels. We define a gheef as a two dimensional object specified by a sequence of po…
3334 -- Connected Gheeves 题意是,给出两个尖形的相连的容器,要求向其中灌水.它们具有日常的物理属性,例如两个容器中水平面高度相同以及水高于容器顶部的时候就会溢出.开始的时候打算直接用几何的计算,求出精确值.后来发现,这样的计算实在是太麻烦了,实现起来有很多细节要注意.于是,后来就想到了用二分的方法,枚举水平面的高度,然后求直线切割容器得到的多边形的面积,因为这个面积会随着水平面的高度具有单调性.注意预先确定好二分的上下界即可.1y~ 代码如下: #include <cs…
//第一期 计算几何题的特点与做题要领: 1.大部分不会很难,少部分题目思路很巧妙 2.做计算几何题目,模板很重要,模板必须高度可靠. 3.要注意代码的组织,因为计算几何的题目很容易上两百行代码,里面大部分是模板.如果代码一片混乱,那么会严重影响做题正确率. 4.注意精度控制. 5.能用整数的地方尽量用整数,要想到扩大数据的方法(扩大一倍,或扩大sqrt2).因为整数不用考虑浮点误差,而且运算比浮点快. 一.点,线,面,形基本关系,点积叉积的理解 POJ 2318 TOYS(推荐) http:/…
Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to find the number of connected components in an undirected graph. Example 1: 0          3 |          | 1 --- 2    4 Given n = 5 and…
Write a program to find the strongly connected components in a digraph. Format of functions: void StronglyConnectedComponents( Graph G, void (*visit)(Vertex V) ); where Graph is defined as the following: typedef struct VNode *PtrToVNode; struct VNode…
// poj 1737 Connected Graph // // 题目大意: // // 带标号的连通分量计数 // // 解题思路: // // 设f(n)为连通图的数量,g(n)为非连通图的数量,h(n)为所有的 // 图的数量,h(n) = 2 ^(n * (n - 1) / 2); // f(n) + g[n] = h(n). // // 考虑标号为1在哪个连通分量内,设连通分量内有k个点,则问题为 // 在n-1个点中选择k-1个点的方法数 C(n-1,k-1),此时1所在的连通图数…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-connected-components-in-an-undirected-graph/ 题目: Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to find the number of connected com…
我的1520之前总是无法解锁,提示:IpOverUsbSvc服务没有开启什么的. 根据网上网友的各种解决方案: 1. 把手机时间设置为当前时间,并且关闭“自动设置” 2. 确保手机接入了互联网 3.确保IpOverUsb服务开启 4. 在设备管理器中卸载“便携设备”中的相应手机 5. 重启手机.重启电脑 都不管用,抱着死马当活马医的态度进行最后的尝试.偶然看到: 我尝试后发现 IpOverUsbEnum.exe执行结果为 No connected partners found 而不是类似这样:…
Connected Graph Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K Total Submissions: 3156   Accepted: 1533 Description An undirected graph is a set V of vertices and a set of E∈{V*V} edges.An undirected graph is connected if and only if for every pair (u,v)…
  Find the number Weak Connected Component in the directed graph. Each node in the graph contains a label and a list of its neighbors. (a connected set of a directed graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected by direct edge path.) Ex…