Palindrome Function As we all know,a palindrome number is the number which reads the same backward as forward,such as 666 or 747.Some numbers are not the palindrome numbers in decimal form,but in other base,they may become the palindrome number.Like…
普通的数位DP计算回文串个数 /* HDU 6156 - Palindrome Function [ 数位DP ] | 2017 中国大学生程序设计竞赛 - 网络选拔赛 2-36进制下回文串个数 */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define LL long long int t, L, R, l, r, base; int dig[40], tmp[40]; LL dp[40][40][40][2]; LL DFS(int p…
一.题目 二.思路 1.这是很明显的数位DP: 2.和以往数位DP不同的是,这里带了个进制进来,而以往做是纯十进制下或者纯二进制下做操作.但是,不管多少进制,原理都是一样的: 3.这里有个小坑,题目中说大于10的数用A.B.C.…….Z表示,那都是骗人的.分解给定数字的每一位数后,得到每一位的就是在给定进制下的该位的权值,压根不需要在数字.字母之间转来转去,纯数字娱乐: 4.比较直观的想法是: (1)枚举给定范围内的每一个进制: (2)计算在b进制下的回文数个数,然后即可得出在b进制下的和: (…
A palindromic number or numeral palindrome is a 'symmetrical' number like 16461 that remains the same when its digits are reversed. In this problem you will be given two integers i j, you have to find the number of palindromic numbers between i and j…
Two Rabbits Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/65535 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 505    Accepted Submission(s): 260 Problem Description Long long ago, there lived two rabbits Tom and Jerry in the forest. On a sunny…
Matches Puzzle Game Problem Description As an exciting puzzle game for kids and girlfriends, the Matches Puzzle Game asks the player to find the number of possible equations A−B=C with exactly n (5≤n≤500) matches (or sticks).In these equations, A,B a…
XHXJ's LIS Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2422    Accepted Submission(s): 990 Problem Description #define xhxj (Xin Hang senior sister(学姐)) If you do not know xhxj, then careful… 题意 为[A,B] 区间内的数能刚好被其位数和整除的数有多少个. 分析 典型的数位dp...比赛时想不出状态怎么构造,太弱了我. 言归正传,数位和有81种状态,怎么判断当前数字是否被整除呢?可以利用余数的思想,至此,定义状态dp[pos][sum][mod][res]表示前pos位的数位和为sum模mod的结果为res的个数,采用记忆化搜索比较简洁. #include<iostream> #inclu…
题目 传送门:QWQ 分析 数位dp 状压一下现在的$ O(nlogn) $的$ LIS $的二分数组 数据小,所以更新时直接暴力不用二分了. 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ; ll dp[maxn][<<][];int k,digit[maxn]; int nextstate(int state,int x){ ;i++){ <<i)){ state^=(&…
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome. Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s. For example, given s = "aab", Return 1 since the palindrome partitioning ["aa"…