CF1466-D. 13th Labour of Heracles】的更多相关文章

CF1466-D. 13th Labour of Heracles 题意: 给出一个由\(n\)个点构成的树,每个点都有一个权值.现在你可以用\(k,k\subset\)\([1, n]\)个颜色来给这棵树上的边涂色(这\(k\)种颜色不一定都要用上).对于每种颜色都有一个权重,权值是这样定义的: 将除了当前颜色\(col_i\)其他颜色的边删掉,剩余的边构成了一个个联通分量.对于任意一个联通分量我们设它的权重是\(w_i\),那么\(w_i\)就等于该联通分量中所有点的权值之和,则对于当前颜色…
13th March, 2015 (1) Nearest Neighbors Using Compact Sparse Coding  ->appearing in ICML2014             reporter: Yupei Zhang             PDF  PPT (2) Locality-Sensitive Hashing ->appearing in Stanford CS245:Locality-Sensitive Hashing       reporter…
The 13thtip of DB Query Analyzer, powerful processing EXCEL file MA Genfeng (Guangdong UnitollServices incorporated, Guangzhou 510300) Abstract   It's very powerful for DB Query Analyzer in EXCELfile processing. I'll give you a sample to show its pow…
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. 若世界以寒相待,请点燃火堆以温暖相报. Kindle fires to warm the space around you, to light the space around you. Sometimes you may feel colder after kindling fires, don't worry, that just shows the cold world aro…
What makes life dreary is the want of motive. 没有目标与动力,生活便会郁闷无光. Without dreams and hope, there will be no motive, and life will be no future. I always feel that my life is dreary and depressed unsuccessful, just because there is no motive in my life.…
  前4道水题就不说了,其中我做了C题,1Y,小心仔细写代码并且提交之前得确认无误后提交才能减少出错率. 结果后面2题都由波神做掉,学长带我们飞~ 终榜 官方题解   ZOJ 3946 Highway Project(K题) 题意:求到所有点最短花费时间总和以及在这前提下的走过的路的最小花费金钱 分析:首先最短路跑一个,然后在d[v] == d[u] + time的一些边上选择最小金钱,注意这里只要cost[v] = cost不用累加cost[u].就是跑了两次最短路. #include <bi…
Travel imparts new vigor to the mind. 旅行能给思想带来新的活力. Travel can give us opportunities to experience many different things, such as getting acquainted with different people, trying diffenernt life styles. In those experiences, we may understand the ess…
You are your greatest asset. 你就是你自己最大的资本. For most of us, there are few things that we can count on but ourselves. If we lose confidence in our own life, in our own abilities, we may never win trusts from others. That means the intrinsic motivation m…
Anyone who has no spiritual aspirations is an idiot. 任何没有精神追求的人都是愚昧无知的人. Today I went to a bookshop with my girlfirend. I was surprised that there were so many people, not only students, but also many adults, who enjoyed reading there. Maybe we all h…
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. 别拿自己和他人比较,这只会降低你原有的价值. Honestly, I don't think it is merely negative to compare ourselves with others. The effects depend on how we react to our superiority and inferiority we get from suc…