openstack instance change storage dir】的更多相关文章

在云计算openstack中以为新建的虚拟机都存放在/var/lib/nova/instances中,在新建虚拟机时内存当然不够用,所以可以将nova转移到新的存储位置 以下操作只在计算节点上进行 一:停止虚拟机   查看虚拟机:   $nova list   停止将要迁移的虚拟机   $nova stop INSTANCEID二:数据迁移   $cp -r /var/lib/nova/instances/  /openstack/三:修改虚拟机存储路径 #vi /etc/nova/nova.c…
Icehouse resize No valid host was found Hi all!! We're currently experimenting an error that's it's pretty weird, the reason it's that with another user same base image and same flavor we can resize the instance but with another user with the same ba…
从下面的截图 高手应该能够看到openstack基于snapshort的 实例的 备份策略了!!!! 从下面某张截图你也能看到用openstack snapshort备份 也是 不太理想的,首先从“磁盘空间占用等角度..,”善于发现,善于总结,,,祝君成功!! [Notice:Ruiy很懒!一般写post不太喜欢 或是很少写文字说明,除部分特别posts]…
# 1 copy orgin data dir of mysql to new one cp -R /var/lib/mysql /mysqldata chown mysql:mysql -R /mysqldata # 2 modify configure files, search for datadir in file /etc/mysql/my.cnf #datadir = /var/lib/mysql datadir = /mysqldata # 3 modify configure f…
cli command下加载openstack超级管理员权限 重设openStack 虚拟机error实例状态即可 nova reset-state instance-id --active…
Error: No valid host was found. No valid host found for resize…
1,storage systems use LVM Ins and configuration Block Storage; apt-get install lvm2; 创建Physical volume…