美团点评2017校招笔试真题-算法工程师A 1.下面哪种STL容器的实现和其它三个不一样 A. set B. deque C. multimap D. map 正确答案: B STL的容器可以分为以下几个大类: 1. 顺序(序列)容器,有 vector,list,deque , string,stack( 适配器类), queue( 适配器类), priority queues( 适配器类). 2.关联容器,有set, multiset,map,multimap, bitset,hash_set…
时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 There is an integer array A1, A2 ...AN. Each round you may choose two adjacent integers. If their sum is an odd number, the two adjacent integers can be deleted. Can you work out the minimum length of the final…