作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 寻找两次最大值 排序 大顶堆 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/largest-number-at-least-twice-of-others/description/ 题目描述 In a given integer array nums, there is always exactly one larges…
In a given integer array nums, there is always exactly one largest element. Find whether the largest element in the array is at least twice as much as every other number in the array. If it is, return the index of the largest element, otherwise retur…
In a given integer array nums, there is always exactly one largest element. Find whether the largest element in the array is at least twice as much as every other number in the array. If it is, return the index of the largest element, otherwise retur…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 统计 正则表达式 字符串分割 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-segments-in-a-string/#/description 题目描述 Count the number of segments in a string, where a segment is defined to b…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 动态规划 暴力搜索+剪枝 线性遍历 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-subarrays-with-bounded-maximum/description/ 题目描述 We are given an array A of positive integers, and two positiv…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 判断是否是闰年 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/day-of-the-year/ 题目描述 Given a year Y and a month M, return how many days there are in that month. Example 1: Input: Y = 1992, M = 7…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 使用ASIIC码求长度 使用字典保存长度 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/number-of-lines-to-write-string/description/ 题目描述 We are to write the letters of a given string S, from left to right…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 单调递减栈 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/next-greater-node-in-linked-list/ 题目描述 We are given a linked list with head as the first node. Let's number the nodes in the list: no…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 方法一:DFS 方法二:迭代 日期 [LeetCode] 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-level-order-traversal-ii/ Total Accepted: 55876 Total Submissions: 177210 Difficulty: Easy 题目描述 Given…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii/description/ 题目描述 Given a sorted linked list, delete all nodes that have duplicate numbers, leaving only distinct numbers…