
地址: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bwEUZTCVzqM3mGjrlISbcg 提取码:r1kx 目录: 目录: │ 1-1.kubernetes理论教程 - 云原生技术的前世今生.mp4│ 1-2.kubernetes理论教程 - K8S初体验.mp4│ 1-3.kubernetes理论教程 - K8s工作负载原理剖析和实践.mp4│ 1-4.kubernetes理论教程 - K8s调度器原理剖析和实践.mp4│ 1-5.kubernetes理论教程 - K8S网…
云K8S相关 AWS 部分-ECR(ERS) ECS EKS 20180824 Chenxin AWS的容器编排目前分为 ECS 和 EKS 两种. AWS价格说明 Fargate模式的ECS,换算成EC2性能的话,价格大约相差了5倍. Fargate的优势是省去了管理EC2的麻烦,以及编排带来的额外风险. AWS ECS实验内容(不推荐)以及容器库ECR Fargate模式(价格贵)(不推荐) 创建流程说明: 集群default -> 服务custom-service(负载均衡,同时还可以配置…
第一部分 基础知识练习 目标 本章对应于<学生指南>各章的内容分别提供了练习题集,包括: ●  第一章Java入门 ●  第二章数据类型和运算符 ●  第三章流程控制与数组 ●  第四章封装 ●  第五章继承 ●  第六章抽象类与接口 ●  第七章多态 ●  第八章异常 ●  第九章多线程机制 ●  第十章输入输出流 ●  第十一章使用泛型和集合框架 ●  第十二章基于Swing的图形用户界面(GUI)设计 ●  第十三章Java事件驱动编程 第一章练习题(Java入门) 1.下列哪项不是JD…
1. 列出环境内所有的pv 并以 name字段排序(使用kubectl自带排序功能) kubectl get pv --sort-by=.metadata.name 2. 列出指定pod的日志中状态为Error的行,并记录在指定的文件上 kubectl logs <podname> | grep bash > /opt/KUCC000xxx/KUCC000xxx.txt 3.列出k8s可用的节点,不包含不可调度的 和 NoReachable的节点,并把数字写入到文件里 #笨方法,人工数…
本次测试的所有问题都必须在指定的cluster配置环境中完成.为尽量减少切换,系统已对问题进行分组,同一cluster内的所有问题将连续显示. 开启TAB补全 做题前先配置k8s自动补齐功能,否则无法TAB补全命令: 登陆管理节点 kubectl --help | grep bash,此步是为了找关键词completion sudo vim /etc/profile 添加source <(kubectl completion bash) 5.保存退出,source /etc/profile 1.…
1.你创建了一个ASP.net应用程序,该程序将运行在TK公司的WEB站点上.你的应用程序包括100个WEB页面.你想配置你的应用程序,当HTTP代码发生错误时,可显示自定义的错误信息给用户.同时你想当程序发生错误时记录到日志中.你想以最小的配置影响完成该目标,下面的那二件事你必须做?(选二项)(AD) A.为应用程序在Global.asax文件中创建Application_Error过程,来控制ASP.net代码错误: B.为应用程序在Web.config文件中创建Application_Er…
choose one What is a pre-requisite to alter a role? A) You should set the OS_ROLES parameter to true. B) You should be granted the DBA role. C) You should be granted the role with the GRANT OPTION. D) You should have the ALTER ANY ROLE system privile…
4.Which four are true about creating and running a remote database scheduler jobs? A) A credential is optional for a remote database job. B) A database destination group must exist or be created for a job to run on multiple remote databases. C) A des…
80.View the exhibit and examine the structure in ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. You need to create a view that displays the ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, and the total number of items in each order. Which CREATE VIEW statement would create the views successf…
79.Which statement is true about transactions? A. A set of Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements executed in a sequence ending with a SAVEPOINT forms a single transaction. B. Each Data Definition Language(DDL) statement executed forms a single…
78.View the exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERStable. Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? A. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose credit limit is more than the average…
77.Which two statements are true about sequences created in a single instance database? (Choose two.) A. When the MAXVALUElimit for the sequence is reached, you can increase the MAXVALUElimit by using the ALTER SEQUENCEstatement. B. DELETE < sequence…
76.View the exhibit and examine the description of the DEPARTMENTSand EMPLOYEEStables. The retrieve data for all the employees for their EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, and DEPARTMENT NAME, the following SQL statement was written: SELECT employee_id, first_…
75.Which statements are correct regarding indexes? (Choose all that apply.) A. A non-deferrable PRIMARY KEYor UNIQUE KEYconstraint in a table automatically attempts to creates a unique index. B. Indexes should be created on columns that are frequentl…
74.View the exhibit and examine the structure of ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables. ORDERS Name     Null?       Type ORDER_ID  NOT NULL  NUMBER(4) ORDER_DATE  NOT NULL   DATE ORDER_MODE   VARCHAR2(8) CUSTOMER_ID NOT NULL  NUMBER(6) ORDER_TOTAL   NUMBER(8,…
73.Which statement correctly grants a system privilege? A. GRANT CREATE VIEW ON table1 TO user1; B. GRANT ALTER TABLE TO PUBLIC; C. GRANT CREATE TABLE TO user1, user2; D. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ALL; Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation 解析:无…
72.View the exhibit for the structure of the STUDENTand FACULTYtables. STUDENT Name Null? Type ------------------ ------------------- ------------- STUDENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(20) FACULTY_ID VARCHAR2(2) LOCATION_ID NUMBER(2) F…
71.(32-18) choose three Which three statements indicate the end of a transaction? (Choose three.) A) after a CREATE statement is issued B) after a SELECT statement is issued C) after a ROLLBACK is issued D) after a SAVEPOINT is issued E) after a COMM…
70.(31-2)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the Book table. The BOOKS table contains details of 100 books. Examine the commands executed and their outcome: SQL>INSERT INTO books VALUES ('ADV112', 'Adventures of Tom…
69.(31-1)choose the best answer: Evaluate the following query: SELECT INTERVAL '300' MONTH, INTERVAL '54-2' YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL '11:12:10.1234567' HOUR TO SECOND FROM dual; What is the correct output of the above query? A) +25-00 , +00-650, +00 1…
68.(29-13)choose two: Which two statements are true? (Choose two.) A) DICTIONARY is a view that contains the names of all the data dictionary views that the user can access. B) The user SYSTEM owns all the base tables and user-accessible views of the…
67.(25-8)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of CUSTOMERS table. Evaluate the following query: SQL>SELECT cust_id, cust_city FROM customers WHERE cust_first_name NOT LIKE 'A_%g_%' AND cust_credit_limit BETWEEN 5000 AND…
66.(22-19)choose two Examine the structure proposed for the TRANSACTIONS table: Which two statements are true regarding the creation and storage of data in the above table structure? A) The TRANS_DATE column would be able to store day, month, century…
65.(22-16) choose the best answer: The CUSTOMERS table has the following structure: You need to write a query that does the following tasks: 1. Display the first name and tax amount of the customers. Tax is 5% of their credit limit. 2. Only those cus…
64.(22-7) choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT oi.order_id, product_id, order_date FROM order_items oi JOIN orders o USING(order_id); Whi…
63.(22-4) choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the data in the PRODUCTS table. Which statement would add a column called PRICE, which cannot contain NULL? A) ALTER TABLE products ADD price NUMBER(8,2) DEFAULT NOT NULL; B) ALTER TABLE…
62.(13-17)choose the best answer: You need to list the employees in DEPARTMENT_ID 30 in a single row, ordered by HIRE_DATE. Examine the sample output: Which query will provide the required output? A) SELECT LISTAGG(last_name, '; ') "Emp_list", M…
61.(18-6) choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. You want to generate a report showing the last names and credit limits of all customers whose last names start with A, B, or C, and credit limit is b…
60.(16-10) choose the best answer: Evaluate the following SQL commands: SQL>CREATE SEQUENCE ord_seq INCREMENT BY 10 START WITH 120 MAXVALUE 9999 NOCYCLE; SQL>CREATE TABLE ord_items (ord_no NUMBER(4) DEFAULT ord_seq.NEXTVAL NOT NULL, item_no NUMBER(3…
59.(16-8)choose two: Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins? A) The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types. B) A maximum of one pair of columns can…