Angry Professor】的更多相关文章

def main(): t = int(raw_input()) for _ in range(t): n, k = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' ')) lateNum = 0 stuArrialTime = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' ')) for i in stuArrialTime: if i > 0: lateNum += 1 if lateNum > (n - k): print "…
Don't make a promise when you are in Joy. Don't reply when you are Sad.Don't take decisions when you are Angry.Think Twice.Act Wise. 当你喜悦时,不要轻易地承诺.当你悲伤时,不要轻易地回复.当你愤怒时,不要轻易做出决定.三思而后行,明智之法.…
1. General review. Professor Webster published this article in Urban Planning Forum, one of the top Chinese urban planning academic journals, before he went to take the office as Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in the University of Hong Kong. Obv…
THE ARCHITECTURE OF COMPLEXITY HERBERT A. SIMON* Professor of Administration, Carnegie Institute of Technology (Read April 26, 1962)…
题目链接: Once a walrus professor Plato asked his programming students to perform the following practical task. The students had to implement such a data structure that would support a convex hull on some set of…
Professor GukiZ and Two Arrays 题意:两个长度在2000的-1e9~1e9的两个序列a,b(无序);要你最多两次交换元素,使得交换元素后两序列和的差值的绝对值最小:输出这个最小的和的差值的绝对值:并且输出交换次数和交换的序号(从1 开始) Input 5 5 4 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 Output 1 2 1 1 4 2 策略: 若是只交换一次,直接O(n^2)暴力即可:但是里面可以交换两次..若是分开看..没思路.那就开始时就预处理出同一个序列中任意两个…
上海西服定制Angry Eagle 顶级西服,私人订制你的美 上海西服定制Angry Eagle 顶级西服,私人订制你的美…
Professor Tian Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 376    Accepted Submission(s): 199 Problem Description Timer took the Probability and Mathematical Statistics course in the 2012,…
Angry Cows 题目描述:给出数轴上的\(n\)个整点\((a[i])\),现在要在数轴上选一个位置\(x\)(可以是实数),以及一个半径\(R\),在以\(x\)为中心,半径为\(R\)的范围内的点为被覆盖,然后被覆盖的点会以自己为中心,半径为\(R-1\)覆盖其它未被覆盖的点,以此类推,问覆盖所有点的最小\(R\) solution 这道题挺好的,可能我对于那些有单调性的题目不是很熟悉吧. 从小到大排序,首先算出以\(i\)为半径中心,覆盖前\(i\)个点的最小半径\(f[i]\),容…
Crazy Professor Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Professor Nathan Mathan is crazy about mathematics. For an unknown reason, he started to write on the blackboard all positive integers starting from 1. After writing a new number a, Professor…