若执行ssh-add /path/to/xxx.pem是出现这个错误:Could not open a connection to your authentication agent,则先执行如下命令即可: ssh-agent bash 更多关于ssh-agent的细节,可以用 man ssh-agent 来查看…
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. 启动ssh-agent服务 eval `ssh-agent -s` 再运行 $ ssh-add Identity added: /c/Users/name/.ssh/id_rsa (/c/Users/name/.ssh/id_rsa) 参考链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178465…
使用git, 下载客户端后想进行和github 进行ssh 互通 出现以下情况: hadoop@deng-PC MINGW32 ~/.ssh$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsaCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. 解决办法: [解决方法]需要ssh-agent启动bash,或者说把bash挂到ssh-agent下面. [具体方法] islue@localhost $ ssh-agent bash --logi…
ERROR: [root@testcentos01 ~]# ssh-add Could not open a connection to your authentication agent 在shell下执行 ssh-agent bash --login -i 然后再执行ssh-add就ok了…
在为windows 环境下的github账户添加SSH key时,需要在Git Bash执行如下命令: 第一步:检查已有的SSH keys $ ls -al ~/.ssh 第二步:生成新的SSH key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com" # Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label # Generating public/private rsa ke…
$ ssh-add id_rsa_bitbucketCould not open a connection to your authentication agent. 运行: $ ssh-agent bash 然后: $ ssh-add id_rsa_bitbucketIdentity added: id_rsa_bitbucket (id_rsa_bitbucket) 就ok了…
git:could not open a connection to your authentication agent   错误: vagrant@homestead:~/Code/sample$ git push -u origin master git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey).   fatal: Could not read from remote repository.   Please make sure you have t…
ssh-add 报错Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. 需要执行以下代码 eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add 这里注意`不是引号,是数字1左边的那个点…
为 GitHub 账号设置 SSH Key时, 使用命令:ssh-add,出现“Could not open a connection to your authentication agent”,解决办法: 先运行命令: ssh-agent bash 再运行: ssh-add…
执行ssh-add ~/.ssh/rsa  就会遇到上述错误了 解决方案: 先执行  eval `ssh-agent`  (是-键上的那个`) 再执行 ssh-add ~/.ssh/rsa成功 ssh-add -l 就有新加的rsa了 然后就可以clip ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub了,然后paste到github上 reference: http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-22355887-id-3342499.html…