January 25th, 2018 Week 04th Thursday】的更多相关文章

What made something precious? Losing it and finding it. 一件东西怎样才会变得珍贵无比?先弄丢了它,然后又找到了. A short time ago, I read a quote from Romain Rolland, it goes as following: Most of us die at our twenties or thirties. Thereafter we are only reflections of ourselv…
How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second. 永远有多久?有时候只是一秒. Just one second can make your life totally different. If you value every minute and every second, you can make them become everlasting. Time is always passing, and we are changing also.…
A great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 最小的火能点着最大的树林. It is just a spark, but it is enough to light the way forward for me. It is just a spark, but it is enough to light a great fire. It is just a spark, but if I can notice it, take care of i…
Each day has enough trouble of its own. 一天的难处一天当. Looking into the sunset I can't help but notice that despite its beauty, a sense of struggle and hopeless surround the sky. Deep inside I realize that this day is gone, and everything that it had brou…
Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom. 记忆是一种相遇,遗忘是一种自由. Cherish those memory, whether they are sweet or bitter, we always learn something from the past. And sometimes if you don't intend to get lost in the past failures…
It is only when you are pursued that you become swift. 唯有在被追赶的时候,你才能真正地奔跑. It is so bad a feeling when there is no clear goal. Sometimes I often find nothing to do but I know there are so many things need to be done. So, try to list every step that l…
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 去奋斗,去寻觅,去探索,但绝不屈服. Strive for our dreams, seek the very answers of life which can help us out with doubts about life, and find out the very meaning of our existence. There are always many disappointing m…
Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry. 精彩地活着,不停地前行,大胆冒险,心怀感激,不留遗憾. Everything we do is a kind of achievement. The question is, where are those achievements taking us? Are these constant achievements bringing us closer to the life we ulit…
Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who think differently. 就做你自己所能做的,因为天外有天,人外有人,总会有人想的不同. Just now, I saw a quote from Jean-Jacques Rousseau: People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say…
Every man dies, but not every man really lives. 每个人都会死,但不是每个人都曾经真真活过. As I become older and older, I often feel sorry that I didn't do the right things at the right time. When I was a teenager, I didn't find my love with a girl of the same age. When…