题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=3258 River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15753   Accepted: 6649 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully ju…
POJ3285 River Hopscotch 此题是大白P142页(即POJ2456)的一个变形题,典型的最大化最小值问题. C(x)表示要求的最小距离为X时,此时需要删除的石子.二分枚举X,直到找到最大的X,由于c(x)=m时满足题意,所以最后输出的是ub-1或者lb(lb==ub-1 注意相邻距离小于x的要删除(此处不是小于等于),对于相邻的距离小于x的两个石子,当删除其中一个后,又会产生其他的相邻的石子,直接计数不好计数,不妨用两个标记last,cur,其中last表示上一个石子,cur…
https://vjudge.net/problem/POJ-3258 二分最小值,判断需要删去的点的个数,如果大于给定,则直接return 0,则说明该数需要再小. 最后注意,起点是0终点是l,起点可以不加进数组,终点必须加进去!! #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<queue> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 15273   Accepted: 6465 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river.…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6697   Accepted: 2893 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. T…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9263 Accepted: 3994 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The e…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9326   Accepted: 4016 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. T…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 21939 Accepted: 9081 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The…
River Hopscotch Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 13598   Accepted: 5791 Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river.…
/** 大意:给定n个点,删除其中的m个点,其中两点之间距离最小的最大值 思路: 二分最小值的最大值---〉t,若有距离小于t,则可以将前面的节点删除:若节点大于t,则继续往下查看 若删除的节点大于m,说明t,过于大,需要减小:若删除的节点小于m说明t过于小了,t需要增大 **/ #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ]; int main() { long long l,n,m; cin>…