My colleague she ask me why Intella could not handle Lotus Notes nsf e-mail archive files. I told her that Intella could index mail and attachments in nsf files. In order to process nsf files, you need to install IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 or above first on…
er[file_system_exception: /elk/elasticsearch/data/es_cluster/nodes/0/indices/logstash-zjzc-frontend-access-2016.08.13/2/index/_d_Lucene54_0.dvm: Too many open files]; Caused by: [logstash-zjzc-frontend-access-2016.08.13][[logstash-zjzc-frontend-acces…
Advantages and Disadvantages of Email communication compared with Face-To-Face communication:   Email Communication: Formal Can attach files Useful for co-workers in different districts Can keep history May cause Misunderstandings It may be unsafe as…
题目标签:String 题目说明 有两个规则针对于 local name. 所以先把local name 和 domain name 分开. 两个规则是: rule 1:'.' 会被去除. (利用replace 把 '.' 换成 '') rule 2:'+' 之后的所有东西都会被 去除.(利用substring 把 '+' 之后的去除) Java Solution: Runtime beats 34.05% 完成日期:12/08/2018 关键点:substring 和 replace clas…
Email via Python 1 MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions SMTP - Simple Message Transport Protocol 邮件的发送, 例子 - send email import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formatdate, make_msgid mess = 'hello there' me…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="OrgPage" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="^(.*)$" /> <…
ext: (extension extension) Take the attachments of zip files and of txt files for example, just enter the ext: (zip txt) in the search box, and then it will find out the messages which contains both attachments of zip files and attachments of txt fil…
11年的blog. Facebook Messages seamlessly integrates many communication channels: email, SMS, Facebook Chat, and the existing Facebook Inbox. Combining all this functionality and offering a powerful user experience involved building an entirely new infr…
jqgrid+bootstrap样式实践,报错数据加载,选中,删除等功能 需要引入的样式 bootstrap.min.css ui.jqgrid.css 需要引入的JS jquery.min.js bootstrap.min.js jquery.jqGrid.min.js html代码: <div class="jqGrid_wrapper"> <table id="jqGridList"></table> <div id=…
修改git最后一次提交的命令 $ git commit --amend 修改git最后一次提交用户名的相关命令 git config 'wangz' git config '' git commit --amend --author=wangz 修改最后一次提交内容的相关文档 $ git commit --amend --help usage: git commit [options] [--] <pathspec>...…