In this lesson, you will learn how to extend styles from one styled-component to another in a React app. This is helpful when you have two styled-components that are similar but differ in one or more CSs properties. import styled from 'styled-compone…
1 1 1 React.createClass vs. ES6 Class Components New React developers are often confused when they encounter two different styles for declaring React components. The…
React loves svg just as much as it loves html. In this lesson we cover how simple it is to make SVG components in ReactJS. Creating SVG components with React allows you to inline SVG. Inline SVG has an advantage that it can be styled with CSS just li…
Due to the way that React Context Providers work, our current implementation re-renders all our compound component consumers with every render of the <Toggle /> which could lead to unnecessary re-renders. Let's fix that by ensuring that the value pr…
In this session we create a comment component to explore how to create components that only render text. In previous versions of we had to wrap our text in needless <span> or <div>, we will see how React 16 removes the unneeded structure. impo…
使用 react已经有不短的时间了,最近看到关于 react高阶组件的一篇文章,看了之后顿时眼前一亮,对于我这种还在新手村晃荡.一切朝着打怪升级看齐的小喽啰来说,像这种难度不是太高同时门槛也不是那么低的东西如今可不多见了啊,是个不可多得的 zhuangbility的利器,自然不可轻易错过,遂深入了解了一番. 概述 高阶组件的定义 React 官网上对高阶组件的定义: 高阶部件是一种用于复用组件逻辑的高级技术,它并不是 React API的一部分,而是从React 演化而来的一种模式. 具体地说,…
1.styled components官网网址   以组件的形式来写样式. 1.1安装 yarn add styled-components 1.2 写法依托于ES6和webpack.     2.Getting Started万物皆组件   把样式定义在组件中 import styled from 'styled-components'   const Title = styled.h1`          //h1…
本文主要内容来自React官方文档中的"Thinking React"部分,总结算是又一篇笔记.主要介绍使用React开发组件的官方思路.代码内容经笔者改写为较熟悉的ES5语法. React--在我们看来,是用javascript快速开发大型web应用的捷径.这在Facebook和Instagram实践中得到了证实. 零 任务描述 假设我们已经拿到了一个蹩脚设计师给的设计稿: 从后端返回来的一组json数据包括商品类,商品名,价格和库存: [ { "category"…
上一期我们使用了React官方的脚手架运行React应用.大家可能会觉得这种方法很繁琐,需要配置各种第三方插件.JQuery时代的前端真是让人怀念.这一期,我就带领大家创建一个"怀旧版"的React应用. 一. 文件结构一览 这次项目的文件结构相当简单,一个index.html和scripts文件夹.在scripts放着必要的文件babel.min.js.react.development.js.react-dom.development.js.值得注意的是react提供了develo…
  简单点的重复利用已有的dom和其他REACT性能快的原理. key的作用和虚拟节点 目前,前端领域中 React 势头正盛,使用者众多却少有能够深入剖析内部实现机制和原理. 本系列文章希望通过剖析 React 源码,理解其内部的实现原理,知其然更要知其所以然. React diff 作为 Virtual DOM 的加速器,其算法上的改进优化是 React 整个界面渲染的基础, 以及性能提高的保障,同时也是 React 源码中最神秘.最不可思议的部分, 本文从源码入手,深入剖析 React d…
React Native v0.4 发布,自从 React Native 开源以来,包括超过 12.5k stars,1000 commits,500 issues,380 pull requests 和 100 贡献者,还有 35 款插件 和 1 个 AppStore 应用! 直击现场 <HTML开发MacOSApp教程> 此版本主要改进如下: 错误信息和文档:添加了大量的警告信息,更新了文档,修复了大量的 bug 兼容 NP…
React实现了一套与浏览器无关的DOM系统,包括元素渲染.节点查询.事件处理等机制. 一.ReactDOM 自React v0.14开始,官方将与DOM相关的操作从React中剥离,组成单独的react-dom库,从而让React能兼容更多的终端.在引入react-dom库后,就能调用一个全局对象:ReactDOM,虽然在之前的章节中已多次使用该对象,但是都没有给出过多的讲解,本节将对其做重点分析. ReactDOM只包含了unmountComponentAtNode().findDOMNod…
作者:Maxim Koretskyi 译文:Leiy React 是一个用于构建用户交互界面的 JavaScript 库,其核心机制就是跟踪组件的状态变化,并将更新的状态映射到到新的界面.在 React 中,我们将此过程称之为协调.我们调用setState方法来改变状态,而框架本身会去检查state或 p…
没有用到React,为什么我需要import引入React? 本质上来说JSX是React.createElement(component, props, ...children)方法的语法糖. 所以我们如果使用了JSX,我们其实就是在使用React,所以我们就需要引入React 前言 React是前端最受欢迎的框架之一,解读其源码的文章非常多,但是我想从另一个角度去解读React:从零开始实现一个React,从API层面实现React的大部分功能,在这个过程中去探索为什么有虚拟DOM.diff…
再不学React就真的跟不上大前端的形式了,目前几乎所有前端的招聘条件都是精通React者优先,看看拉勾网的React薪资,都是15K-20K,这个暑假,必须动起来了. 如果你熟悉JavaScript,并且打算开发跨平台应用程序,并且想选择React技术栈,那么跟我一起学习这本书吧. <海贼王>中罗杰说,每个人都有自己出场的机会!在将来,React可能会在前端历史的浪潮中被人遗忘,但今天,React的设计思想影响了无数的开发者,当下正是属于它的时代!!!!!…
React可大致分为三部分:Core.Reconciler和Renderer,在阅读源码之前,首先需要搭建测试环境,为了方便起见,本文直接采用了网友搭建好的环境,React版本是16.8.6,与最新版本很接近. 一.目录结构 React采用了由Lerna维护monorepo方式进行代码管理,即用一个仓库管理多个模块(module)或包(package).在React仓库的根目录中,包含三个目录: (1)fixtures,给源码贡献者准备的测试用例. (2)packages,React库提供的包的…
基于Abp React前端的项目建立与运行 目录 基于Abp React前端的项目建立与运行 1 Abp项目配置 2 运行WebApi后端项目 2.1 创建C3D数据库,并且将数据库对应链接字符串替换 2.2 建立数据库进行数据迁移 2.3 运行WebApi项目 3 运行React前端项目 3.1 利用yarn包安装工具 3.2 运行React项目 3.3 使用React客户端的意义 4 React 前端项目架构 4.1 技术栈 4.2 设计原则 4.3 mobx架构 4.4 React前端整体…
本文是深入浅出 ahooks 源码系列文章的第三篇,该系列已整理成文档-地址.觉得还不错,给个 star 支持一下哈,Thanks. 本文来探索一下 ahooks 是怎么解决 React 的闭包问题的?. React 的闭包问题 先来看一个例子: import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; export default () => { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); useE…
We can utilize React.cloneElement in order to create new components with extended data or functionality. class App extends React.Component { render(){ return ( <Buttons> <button value="A">A</button> <button value="B&quo…
Similar to the State Hook, the Effect Hook is “first-class” in React and handy for performing side effects in function components. The Effect Hook is called by passing a function as the first argument. Here, you can perform side effects. If needed, y…
Because @types/react has to expose all its internal types, there can be a lot of confusion over how to type specific patterns, particularly around higher order components and render prop patterns. The widest and most recommended element type is React…
In order to illuminate a scene containing 3D objects a lighting setup is required. In this lesson we'll walk through the available lighting components and create a common outdoor lighting setup. This includes the components: <AmbientLight/>, which a…
React Router v4 allows us to render Routes as components wherever we like in our components. This can provide some interesting use cases for creating dynamic routes on our applications. import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Rou…
到底是个什么东东,待学习中... Ref:…
Here we refactor a React TypeScript class component to a function component with a useState hook and discuss how props and state types can be modeled accordingly. import * as React from "react"; import { render } from "react-dom"; impo…
You often find duplication between the name of a prop and a variable you will assign to the prop. JSX allows you to spread an object containing your named props into your Component which enables you to avoid the repetition of matching prop names and…
Storybook is a UI component development environment for React, Vue, and Angular. With that, you can develop UI components without running your app. Here I show how to add a landing/welcome page to your Storybook, so that first-time viewers get to rea…
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the SafeAreaView component to avoid the sensor cluster (the notch) and home activity indicator on the iPhone X. SafeAreaView is similar to the View, just for iphone X, the screen is different from previous ve…
In this lesson we will use Animated.spring and TouchableWithoutFeedback to animate the scale of a button in our React Native application. We will use the scale transform property and see how adjusting the friction of a spring will effect the spring a…
一.项目概况 基于react+react-dom+react-router-dom+redux+react-redux+webpack2.0+react-photoswipe+swiper等技术混合开发的手机端仿微信界面聊天室——reactChatRoom,实现了聊天记录下拉刷新.发送消息.表情(动图),图片.视频预览,打赏.红包等功能. 二.技术栈 MVVM框架:react / react-dom 状态管理:redux / react-redux 页面路由:react-router-dom 弹…