2016/9/26 Monday 1.make ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.ask teacher Xiqi&Liu some problems about scholarship 3.remove the binding of old iphone with Huaxia card 4.fill in the paper school scholarship 5.help He make ppt about our database 6.r…
2016/10/24 Monday forcus:find a way to try to recognize emotions in database2.0(see ppt Week 7) 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.join the group meeting 2016/10/25 Tuesday forcus:learn<machine learning>Japan 1.modify ppt for yesterd…
most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge including English 4.body fitness 2016/10/31 Monday 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.join the group meeting 3.modify ppt for…
most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge 4.body fitness 2016/10/17 Monday 1.prepare ppt for this afternoon's group meeting 2.write introduction and words for email to professors abroa…
2016/9/19 Monday 1.make ppt for today's group meeting 2.recite 100 words 3.review <图解机器学习>ch1~ch2 4.15:15 participate in the group meeting 5.copy materials about interviews for isgf meeting & emotiw16 thesis from pc to u disk 5.finish tpo3 6.arr…
2016/9/12 Monday 1.send present to Teacher Wei&hu 2.make ppt for 1st database 2.0 meeting for all members 3.exercise for at least 1 hour 4.recite 100 words 5.read<图解机器学习>till p12 and make conclusions about ch1 6.apply for ieee account and read a…
most important things to do 1.joint phd preparations 2.journal paper to write 3.solid fundamental knowledge including English 4.body fitness 2016/10/31 Monday ########################################### additional 1.exercise C/C++ 2.exercise java 3.e…
most important things to do 1.prepare for toefl 2.joint phd preparations 3.ieee trans thesis to write 4.solid fundamental knowledge 5.body fitness 2016/10/9 Sunday 1.handle procedures in bnu about going abroad to take the ICMI2016 conference 2.submit…
原文:SQL Server ->> 深入探讨SQL Server 2016新特性之 --- Temporal Table(历史表) 作为SQL Server 2016(CTP3.x)的另一个新特性,Temporal Table(历史表)记录了表历史上任何时间点所有的数据改动.Temporal Table其实早在ANSI SQL 2011就提出了,而SAP HANA, DB2和Oracle早已在它们的产品中加入/实现了这一特性.所以说微软其实是落后了几个竞争对手.既然在CTP3.0中加入了,相信…
2021.08.09 P6037 Ryoku的探索(基环树) P6037 Ryoku 的探索 - 洛谷 | 计算机科学教育新生态 (luogu.com.cn) 重点: 1.树的性质 2.基环树的性质 题意: Ryoku 所处的世界可以抽象成一个有 nn 个点, nn 条边的带权无向连通图 GG.每条边有美观度和长度. Ryoku 会使用这样一个策略探索世界:在每个点寻找一个端点她未走过的边中美观度最高的走,如果没有边走,就沿着她前往这个点的边返回,类似于图的深度优先遍历. 探索的一个方案的长度是…